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Home » PROPHECY! REVIVAL is Soon to Come!



This is a prophecy, and it will greatly encourage you! Greg shares a prophetic word, and as you read or listen, receive what God has said in a convergence of what He has shown Greg.

REVIVAL IS SOON TO COME! I can’t help to feel deep within my spirit that Revival is Soon to Come. With what the Lord has told me, with His Angels with us (one showed up at 2:00 A.M. in the morning recently and awakened me), with the world “considering their ways” as we all are, revival is soon to come. Some of what has been made known to me is there will be a revival that will reach the world, and the Gulf Coast (GLORY ZONE) will be used by the Lord as nations will be coming to encounter God’s Glory-Presence and returning to their cities and nations to spread revival there. The Glory of God is going to be so present that those who come at times will just sit quietly as God’s Glory overtakes us. Angels will gather believers from many gathering/church families who have “Revival in their Heart” (who understand the “WORK” required for revival) and will lead them in a procession, prepared to minister to the multitude who are seated to hear the Gospel for the first time. There will be no “self-proclaimed ‘I did this folks’” for we’ll all be just “GRATEFUL” to be in God’s Glory, serving, helping, and ministering all understanding “HE (JESUS) DID IT!” The more we stop our schedules and go after God, the thicker His Glory- Presence will be, and more people and cities will be impacted by His Glory. Prayers of compassion, gratitude, and unity will go up to “OUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN,” and in response, He will send more of “HIS GLORY” down. There is and will be wider and wider portals opening over the “GLORY ZONE” where angels will be ascending and descending carrying OUR FATHER’S WILL to the earth. These Angels will go to the “FOUR CORNERS” of the earth and gather in the “HARVEST” the largest harvest the world has ever seen. No building will contain it, though they’ll be used, for God’s glory “LIGHT” will rest upon His people, while at the same time “gross darkness, thick darkness” rests upon the earth and the people of the earth. For it will be the “BEST OF TIMES” and the “worst of times.” The shaking that is and will be taking place is not to destroy, but to shake lose those who have been held captive. It’s to soften hardened hearts so that they can become “KINGDOM SOIL” for God to plant “HIS SEED/SON” in their hearts. Though some may have said of someone “there is no hope for them” these will be the very ones that God will choose to show the power of His “SAVING GRACE” and demonstrate HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS TO, WHENEVER HE WANTS TO, EVER HOW HE WANTS TO DO IT; FOR HE IS GOD, AND ABOVE HIM THERE IS NONE OTHER. I want to encourage you to “LOOK UP” for your “REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR!” Prepare your heart for REVIVAL AND THE GLORY-PRESENCE OF GOD. Begin to think about how you can change your schedule, clear your calendar, shift your life to go after God so that He will pour out MORE OF HIS GLORY, for the whole earth is full of HIS GLORY!”

This is what God has been saying and has brought together for this moment. God is in charge and in complete control! He is preparing the earth for the greatest harvest of souls that we have ever seen. It has been prophesied that a billion-soul harvest is coming! These are exciting days for those who follow the Lord. Are you ready for revival? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg Lancaster shared in this segment.



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