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Home » PROPHECY! God’s Justice and Restitution, by Greg Lancaster

PROPHECY! God’s Justice and Restitution, by Greg Lancaster

Divine Promises: Restitution, Justice, and Blessings for the Faithful


A Prophetic Word from the Lord

I want to share a prophetic word the Lord gave me in a dream. I believe it’s going to encourage many people. Right now, there’s somebody out there to whom God is speaking about restitution and justice.

To the Faithful

This is God speaking a word to you right now. Receive it. God showed me that those who have been faithful, who have remained faithful to do what He called them to do even through some of the most difficult times, including much sacrifice and personal loss—loss in your family, ministry, and business—know this: it has not gone unnoticed by God. He saw every bit of it.

You are going to see, without your own knowledge, finances deposited into your account, and you’ll not know where it came from. People will come to you and tell you, “Did you know that there’s a very large deposit of money put into your account?” People you thought didn’t even notice or consider you will have you on their minds and will want to share with you about the blessing. The reason is that they, too, are being blessed in a special way. God is bringing blessings upon His people who were busy focusing on the work of the Lord, not even looking up from the work. Now the blessing has come. You will see how much you’ve meant to them, and they will now be able to be in a right relationship with you.

To Those Who Have Been Faithful in Difficult Times

You may be asking, “Why is this blessing going to happen? Why is God doing this?” Because you have remained faithful to God with limited resources and limited help, it didn’t stop you, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Nothing you do for the Lord is in vain. He not only remembers it, He calls it your love for Him as you’ve helped His people and continue to help them. Where others stopped talking about the Lord due to difficult seasons, you never stopped. You never stopped speaking about Him. You didn’t abandon your place.

What you’ve said and continue to say about Him and to others will be written in the history books of God, before His throne, and read before Him in eternity forever.

To Those Sowing Financially

You might not have felt like you’ve been in the ministry, but I say to you, you are in the ministry, the service of the Lord. It has been your faithfulness to work, labor hard, and acquire wealth to give into the work of the Lord for the advancement of His kingdom. You’ve done this through dry seasons, where your resources grew less and less, which led you to give less and less. It wasn’t on your heart to give less, but what came against you left you with limited resources. But with your limited resources, the Lord saw, like the lady Jesus talked about with the two copper coins who gave more than anyone else because she gave out of her lack. The Lord sees what you’ve given out of your lack, just like she did, and you’ll be remembered.

You didn’t forget to honor the Lord because of your difficult financial season but continued to do so. The Lord says He’s going to bless you. You’re going to not only recover what’s been lost during the season of less but also be given abundance. The Lord gives seed to the sower, and He knows you sowed in your poverty, and He knows that you’ll sow in your abundance. You’ve proven to Him that He can trust you with more, with great wealth, because you were faithful with the little in your season of less.


To America

I say, America shall recover financially. This economic crisis is not her end; it is her strength. Just as I brought your economy from crisis to blessing in a short time, in a matter of days, I will bring it back to its greatest heights, greater than before—not because of good people, but because I am good, says God. I am God who does these things, and I have plans for America. It is because I am God of my word, and America has stood with my people, Israel, and has declared Jerusalem, where I will rule, the eternal capital of Israel. It is because my people and your nation’s leaders have cried out to me for righteous judges on the bench, from the Supreme Court to the local courts. It is because my people have cried out to end the sacrifice of my children in the evil practice of murder and abortion. It is because your leaders say, “Hands off my church,” I will bless America. Once again, it will be a city on the hill to show forth my light. I will set America ablaze with the fires of revival, says the Lord.

To Restitution

The Lord has told me that He will bring restitution to those who have suffered because of the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He has shown me specifically that there are those who, for years, have had to live in a place of less—not because you’re not a hard worker, not because you have not been obedient, but because someone has stolen from you, someone has taken advantage of you. God saw what happened; He wasn’t blind to it, and He didn’t forget it.

The Lord is about to balance the books regarding your account, where you’ve come up short because of what’s been happening to you, where you’ve been taken advantage of. There are those who have stolen from you in areas of finances, opportunities, and promotions, and the Lord is going to restore that which was stolen from you. Give God praise! He will bring restitution to you. Restitution is the restoration of something that was lost or stolen to its owner. God’s going to restore it to you. You’re going to be surprised, for it will be His doing and not your own. He saw what happened to you; He took note, and it’s Him who will bring this restoration as restitution to you.

To Justice

I’ll start by reading from the book of James, chapter 5, verse 1, from the Message Bible:

“Destroying your life from within, I’m speaking about justice. A final word to the arrogant rich: Take some lessons and lament. You’ll need to have a bucket for your tears when the crash comes upon you. Your money is corrupt, and your fine clothes stink. Your greedy luxuries are like a cancer in your gut, destroying your life within. You thought you were piling up wealth; what you’ve been piling up is judgment, says the Lord. All the workers that you have exploited and cheated cry out for judgment. The groans of the workers you used and abused are a roar in the ears of the Master Avenger. You’ve looted the earth and lived it up, but all you have to show for it is a fatter-than-usual corpse. In fact, what you’ve done is condemn and murder perfectly good people who stand there and take it.”

This is the word of the Lord. If this is you, know that you can repent. The Lord has shown me that there is a businessman, a business owner who wants to get right. The conviction of God’s Spirit has come upon you, and you want to repent. If you get right with those you treated unjustly and profited from in these unjust ways, if you give them the restitution that is theirs and bring to them justice and repent before Me, says the Lord, I will forgive you. You will not be among those who have fattened themselves for the day of slaughter and stored up judgments for themselves.

Use the wealth that you have left, after giving to those who deserve restitution and justice from you, to help others and advance My kingdom, says the Lord. If you do this, if you make Me your God, if you follow My Son, Jesus, and make Him the Lord of your life, you will be counted among My family and known for your humility, no longer known for the pride and arrogance of your past.

To Those Who Have Suffered Injustices

The Lord says to you: Our God is a good God, and He loves justice. His throne sits on righteousness and justice, for He is just and the one who justifies. Do not believe that our God is not just. Don’t even entertain the idea, because our God is just. We all should walk in healthy fear of the Lord and live a life that is repented before the Lord, a life of repentance in Jesus Christ, because we have a reverential fear of the Lord, knowing that He is just. Know that justice delayed is not justice denied. You’ve seen years and years, even decades, of injustice. You’ve suffered for years because of things that have happened to you unjustly. Many years, maybe 30 or even 40 years ago, something happened to you at your workplace that was unjust. It was never addressed, and you left in disgrace, not because of what you did but because of the injustice. This injustice wasn’t known to others, so they actually believed it and believed the accuser in your life.

There are those of you suffering physically because of the life you were forced to live due to this injustice. You’ve gone through physical health issues. I even saw where either your throat was cut for a tracheotomy, or it was actually cut. I saw a scar from one side of your neck to the other. It was a healed scar, or maybe it was the cut from the tongues of the accuser. The Lord sees it, and it has not gone unnoticed. Either way, it was due to the injustice that happened to you. You’ve literally had to try and eke out a living, even coming to a point where you feel like you’ve lost your mind because of all the pressures and the bad environment you had to live in. It’s all because of this injustice. I’ve seen where you’ve had to live, and it’s a place you wouldn’t choose, but you had to live there because of what’s happened to you in your past, just trying to get through.

I even saw a black man, maybe in his 30s or 40s, who has suffered an injustice and has come to the end of himself, even to the point where he thinks justice will never come. But I say to you, the Lord hasn’t forgotten you, and you will have justice. You will see justice. Be ready. You’ve got to be ready for it. Prepare yourself for it. You’ve got to believe again that justice is possible for you and know that I am a just God, and I will bring justice in this matter.

There is one person who has been focused on the number seven. It has been standing out for you. You talk about it all the time. You spoke about this number seven so much that others are beginning to think you’ve lost your mind. But I say to you, seven is a perfect number. Seven is the number of completion. It is the number of days I, the Lord, used to create the earth and mankind. Your spirit man has heard Me, says the Lord, and I have heard your spirit man cry out to Me for completion and for justice. I say to you that your time has come. I am going to bring completion over you. These many years, these decades of injustice, will not only come to an end, but I am bringing down My gavel, says the Lord, and settling this case over you once and for all.

I will begin to bring trouble on the heart of the man who has profited off of you, mistreated you, and treated you unjustly for many years. It has been in his mind and his heart all these years. He hasn’t forgotten about it; it didn’t go away. I will cause him to not be able to rest until he has made this thing right. Be ready to respond when I send My messenger to you, because you’ll have to approach the one who hurt you and who has wounded you, wounds that you’ve carried for years. Prepare yourself to approach this person. Do not be afraid or hold on to resentment or unforgiveness towards them. You’ve already been injured by this unjust treatment; don’t be injured by holding unforgiveness towards this businessman. This will be a time where you are coming to My court, says God, and I will bring justice on your behalf.

Yes, they will want to get right with you so that they can be right with Me. I say again, they will want to get right with you so that they can be right with Me. And I say they will be right with Me when they repent and get right with you. Be ready to receive. Be ready to forgive, for My justice is one that brings the scales of life into balance. My scales are just, and all will be satisfied, both ends of the transaction. The Lord says, I’m going to cause him to be ready to pay you back a restitution for all that would have been yours if you had been allowed to continue to work there all this time. So, he’s going to pay that all back to you, and we’re talking many, many years of restitution. Some of you, it may be 30 or 40 years of being paid restitution—that’s what would have been yours.

Now, this businessman is not unwilling. He has come to a place where he just wants to be right, he just wants to be just, and he’s doing what’s right. Allow him to do this, and he too will be right before Me, says the Lord. He will give you your annual wages you would have earned, and My Spirit will continue to lead him to want to bring justice to you. Restitution is what would have been yours if allowed to continue to work there and was taken from you. But justice will cause you to feel in your heart that justice has been served. My justice will make you whole, says the Lord. The unjust void in your life and in your heart will no longer be there, for I will fill it with My Spirit. I am healing you with restitution and justice.

The Lord has even shown me that someone’s annual pay that was taken from you if you would have stayed there, continued to work there all these years, totals one million dollars. The Lord showed me that He’s going to pay you that one million dollars, and that’s restitution. But He also showed me that the Holy Spirit is going to continue to deal with him where he wants to bring justice, and justice where he’s going to double that, and he’s going to give you another million for justice or pain and suffering. Since Satan is the thief and he was caught and identified, this businessman is the thief that comes to steal, kill, or destroy. This businessman will give you double for your loss. You will receive one million for restitution and one million for justice—your pain and suffering.

I speak to those who have suffered unjustly: You serve a just God and the one who justifies. I declare, when you identify the thief—Satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy—and come before Me asking for justice while walking in a lifestyle of repentance under My Son, under the Lord, under Jesus, you will receive justice from Me. You will receive restitution from Me. You will receive double the amount that was stolen from you. There will be a fear, a fear of Me, says the Lord, a fear of the Lord for anyone who wants to lay their hands on My people. Those days of feeling as though My people are easy targets are over, for I will defend you, says the Lord. Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord, not yours. Trust Me in this, says the Lord. I decree and declare this in Jesus’ name.



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