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End Time Wealth Transfer, Pastor John Kilpatrick


“God said that this wealth in the last days is going to be transferred onto the Saints of God. There’s going to be a wealth transfer and God’s going to make a host of his last day church to come into great wealth. You have been faithful over the few. You have tithed. You’ve given offerings. You’ve given towards building programs. You’ve helped the poor. You’ve given gifts. And God said now about to pour out upon you restoration and blessings like you’ve never had them before. God, sent me here’s a prophet to say to you, God is about to give a wealth transfer in these last days, and you need to believe it!” John Kilpatrick, Pastor

PROPHECY! Economy Falls in 11 Days! Largest Wealth Transfer in the History of Man; Do the Math!
PROPHECY! The Wealth Transfer is Coming! For Greatest Harvest of Souls the World Has Ever Seen!
Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest,  Wealth for the Harvest 
A Wealth Transfer; Justice Being Served; and The Seat of Evil will Fall and the Seat of the Righteous will Rise
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