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Home » Race and the Church, “From every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” Part 1

Race and the Church, “From every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” Part 1



LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! A powerful answer to prayer has come about to begin a conversation. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands His disciples, “…go and make disciples of all nations…”. The nations are made up of all people, not one particular demographic, or ethnicity, or race. We are called to tell everybody, of every ethnicity about Jesus. For someone to look at the gathering of the church, the nations should be seen and reflected. How do we win all races to the Lord if we only want to be with our own race?

Our own history must be taken into consideration to how we perceive things. Individually, one can make a statement that “they themselves do not have a problem and consider that nobody does. Let’s just move on”. That is naïve. It is important to not only look at our own history, but also the history of the nation. The more we look at ourselves, and men’s mistakes, our sins, it can get overwhelming. Sometimes we can’t connect with the sinfulness of sin unless we just look at it, the sin of oppression and slavery. If there is an issue in the church, we have an obligation to hear from God about it.

Recently, a meeting of leaders from around the nation came together and responded to the voice of the Lord. Powerful testimonies of healings and empathy were surfaced that were never before realized or possibly understood. This particular meeting was another answer to prayer. The sin of oppression and slavery has to be dealt with in order to release what is about to happen. Just this week, Pastor Len Ballenger of Jubilee Christian International hosted a panel of pastors to begin a conversation about diversity in the church. Be encouraged and greatly inspired as you hear of the journey of confirmations and affirmations from the Lord that led to where we are now, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: diversity, military, ethnos, nations, Azusa Street Revival, justice, mindsets, spiritual warfare, history, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., slavery, segregation, empathy, healing, John Wayne, The Hand of God, 2020, Harlem, leadership, and love. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment. See original article HERE.
Courtesy of Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

image source: triplepundit.com
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