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Home » The Return of Guy Fawkes? Riots in America? Congressman on Terrorism Taskforce Warning us to Be Prepared for Terrorist Attack on America?

The Return of Guy Fawkes? Riots in America? Congressman on Terrorism Taskforce Warning us to Be Prepared for Terrorist Attack on America?


LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! There has been a systematic strategy meant to divide and organize the world. Authority is being attacked and rebelled against on every level and topic available: fathers, government, police, government, etc. The people are being stirred up. As the world witnesses the riots taking place in London, and many parts of the world, a white mask can be seen on many of the rioters and protesters. The mask is of Guy Fawkes; a catholic minister who was against King James. King James was instrumental in bringing about the King James Bible that was written in order for the common man to have the Word of God in his own hands, not just the religious leaders of the day. The message that everyone could have an intimate relationship with God was being made known. Fawkes was against King James bringing together England and Scotland. Fawkes responded by setting up barrels of gunpowder underneath the first governmental meeting under King James’ rule, Parliament. He thought what King James was doing was evil. Luckily, his plans did not come to fruition as planned.
Throughout the world and America continual rebellions against all forms of authority are taking places. Swells of angry mobs are rising up only to recede away; then another one in another state against another authority; a college professor or dean here, then a police department over there, again, and again, and again.
When the terrorist attacks that took place in Paris, French President Francois Hollande immediately shut the borders of France. In essence, martial law was enacted to establish safety for the people. President Obama has made clear that the strategy against ISIS will not change. Why not the same decisive response as Hollande? President Obama is insisting on allowing refugees to come across the borders into America. When asked about these matters, Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, has this to say. “…This did not have to happen if our policies were different…If we had not taken our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, ISIS would of never emerged. ISIS is filling a vacuum by a vacuous foreign policy…ISIS is an Obama creation…” This is the sustained militant effort that has been carried out like a playbook from the pages of Saul Alisnky’s Rules for Radicals. These tactics are being carried out to organize the world; and its working.
North Carolina Congressman and Chairman of the United States Taskforce, Robert Pittenger, is also sounding the calls of warning to America. We need to prepare. He has created a preparedness manual at PrepareNow.com with ways that individuals, families, small businesses can prepare themselves for the warning signs that are taking place. “There is a whole list of things that we think people should consider having. We could be facing some type of attack, we don’t know what that would be, whether it’s a physical kinetic attack, or biological, chemical, or any attack that the terrorists may want to have. These are things that we can do to frankly save lives.”
Proverbs 22:3 says, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” We can act in wisdom now by heeding these warnings, turn our faces to God in humility and repentance. In these days and times, it is important not to panic. God has made clear what His intentions are during this realities, “DON’T PANIC! This is what God has allowed to happen in order to bring in the harvest.” Many who have had hard hearts and stiff necks will be coming to the Lord. Now is the time to seek God for wisdom and insight. Hear the full story of what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Guy Fawkes, rioting, looting, attacks, protesters, Russia, China, Iran, Paris attacks, martial law, Fox News, Belgium, Radical Islam, 9/11 Commission Report, passports, prudent preparation, humility and repentance. Greg and John shared in this segment. See original article HERE.
Courtesy of  akatz/shutterstock.com


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