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Home » WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2

WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2




(See Part 1)

“Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2

Rick Joyner, with MorningStar Ministries, has prophesied that there will be a second revolutionary/civil war in America! God has also shown Greg that there will be a physical battle. Everything is spiritual, but it manifests through the physical. What God has shown Greg and Rick Joyner is the fact that this physical battle is going to happen! How do we prepare for this battle that is coming? One way is to pray and to spend time with the Lord. If you need help in how to spend time with the Lord, you can get your free plan HERE at iAbide today. Also, we must be under someone in authority during this time. Join a Church family where the leader, Pastor or Apostle, hears from the Lord and will lead you on the right path to be ready for this battle.

Greg shares about the original program where he shared that there will be a physical battle on American soil. It was hard for him to say it as most American Christians don’t want to hear that hard times are coming. But he finally said prophetically that God showed him there will be a physical battle in America and as he said it the third time the power went out in the whole county where the VFNtv studio is located and the fiber optics for internet went out as well at the same time! You can listen to the original program HERE. God was saying through this that He is warning us so that we can get right with God and be prepared for the physical battle. It is about getting right with God and being ready for the great harvest of souls that will be coming into the Kingdom of God.

The Lord also showed Rick Joyner and Greg that people would be rushing our borders, which you can read more about on the previous post in Part 1 HERE. As people are infiltrating our borders in America, the spirit that is behind many who are pushing for the illegal immigrants to be allowed in our nation is demonic. Allowing illegal immigrants into America is allowing those with evil intent under demonic influence to enter our country and bring harm to our citizens!

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 ESV

Our battle is spiritual, and as we said before it manifests through the physical. We must pray for our borders to be secure and for any plans of the enemy to be revealed.

John reads from MorningStar Ministries Journal released in May 2019. Rick Joyner shares more about How to Prepare for the Coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War. “I have a lot of interchange with Christian leaders as well as leaders in other fields. Since having the dream about the coming second American Revolutionary/Civil War, I’ve talked with many about it. To my surprise, I have yet to get a skeptical response. Some replied that they believed that something like this was coming for some time. So, I wonder if, in some things, I can be slow to see what is obvious to others and need dramatic dreams like this to wake me up. With most of the revelations I’ve had of coming major events, some have happened pretty fast, which I consider to be within a couple of years. Others took decades to unfold. For this one, I do not want to speculate. Yet, until I am given a specific timing, I look for signs to indicate the timing. The signs that I have seen indicate to me that this is unfolding faster than I expected. This is my opinion, not revelation. However, to let you in on what I’m thinking at this time, I think this is likely to unfold in just a few years, or even a couple of years. It would not surprise me if it broke out at any time.

“The first sign I looked for with regard to this was anger on the right beginning to spill over into violence. Conservatives tend to be more reserved and law-abiding. President Nixon called them “the silent majority” because they tended to be reticent to even protest. This is not to imply that there are not right-wing extremists and organizations, but for the most part, conservatives tend to be far more reserved. When a recently arrested Coast Guard officer was found with weapons and plans to attack leftist leaders, we, of course, prayed that this was an isolated incident of one troubled man. Yet, when we start to see a trend of this type of thing, we should take it as a sign that worse is near.

“The second sign I have looked for is the assault on our southern border to grow, along with reports of a deep darkness manifesting in extremely cruel and evil attacks on people. This is because of a series of dreams I had a few years ago about an onslaught of deep darkness coming across our southern border. I now understand that this was related to what I saw in my dream about the coming revolutionary/civil war. As The New York Times recently reported, what is being done to many in the caravans, especially to women, indicates a new level of deep darkness and demonic depravity. In the dreams I had about our southern border, the new level of demonic evil created such an outrage at our federal government for allowing this to happen that federal agents and authorities had to flee from many states. This caused the federal government’s authority and influence to be radically reduced and even rejected altogether by some states. As the demented cruelty of some in these caravans becomes wider known, it could well create a flash point for this. Of course, we should pray that all the evil and attacks on our country are reduced. Even though I was shown that this revolutionary/civil war is inevitable, we can decrease its violence, destruction, and human cost by obeying II Chronicles 7:14. We must turn to The Lord even more resolutely than those turning to the demonic. We need to let our congressmen and senators know that we expect them to do all that they can to secure our southern border as quickly as possible.

“We should pray earnestly that everyone now seeking to obstruct this would repent and change their stand or get removed from office. If they don’t, so much evil and depravity will be manifested that Americans will turn on those who stand in the way of protecting our own people, and it will not be pretty. The issue of securing our southern border is obviously exacerbating the division between the political right and left at this time. There is a real danger that the level of violence that Americans are becoming subjected to by those infiltrating the southern border will be turned into rage and violence against our government leaders that allowed this to happen. In the dream, this rage was a main factor that precipitated the turning of the states against the federal government. It seems to me that the pressure from this is growing faster than I anticipated.

“In the vision I received in 1987 that I wrote about in The Harvest, I saw a hot war along our southern border. In 1987, this seemed unlikely—now it seems almost inevitable. What I saw in that dream was a pitched battle between armies, not just rising violence. Obviously, the U.S. could easily prevail in such a conflict, but the ultimate consequences would still be bad for all. THE MAIN THING Most prophecy, including biblical prophecy, tends to be more general than specific. This keeps us seeking The Lord and depending on The Holy Spirit, who does not just give us guidance but is our Guide. While prophecy normally points us in a general direction, we must get closer to The Lord and resolutely follow Him to stay on track. Therefore, the main way that we prepare for anything is to get closer to The Lord. We can know every detail and the timing of what will happen, but this will not benefit us if we are not abiding in The Lord. This is not to say that strategies and plans do not have their place, but if we put our trust in them in place of The Lord, they will likely lead us to be in the wrong place and do the wrong things. As we are told in Revelation 19:10, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” As Francis Frangipane likes to say, “We are called to follow Emmanuel, not a manual.” I belabor this point purposely when addressing prophecies like this because we will not be prepared, or in the right place doing the right things, if we give more attention to knowing what will happen than we do to getting closer to The Lord and following Him. As the times unfold, it will be increasingly critical that we know Him for ourselves, not just follow others who know Him. We must care enough about knowing Him and His ways that we make the sacrifices to search them out. It is essential that we do all that we do in faith and are not led by fear. We will grow in faith if we obey The Lord’s three instructions for facing the troubles at the end of the age, which I will continue to repeat. They are 1) stand up, 2) look up, and 3) rejoice. Those who have true faith in The Lord will stand for Him and His truth regardless of the cost. We have this faith by seeing Him and where He sits above all rule, authority, and dominion. If we see Him, we cannot help but rejoice because we know of the victorious conclusion to all things. All of this trouble is evidence that our redemption is near Continue reading HERE…”

We want you to be prepared for the times that are coming. It is not the time to be distracted by the things in this world. We must stand for what is right no matter what is happening around us and keep our peace in the chaos of the world because that is a testimony to those that don’t know Jesus. What are your thoughts about the physical battle that is prophesied to happen? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment. See original article HERE.

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