President Donald Trump is addressing the nation once again for his weekly address as he remembers the 250th anniversary of Andrew Jackson. Jackson defeated the British in New Orleans and later became our nation’s 7thPresident. As the President remembers our important history, he also keeps his focus on generating jobs for America’s economy as he traveled to Michigan to revive manufacturing jobs. The location in Michigan serves as an intersection in our nation’s history once again, as it points to the future of our automobile industry while also reminding us of memorable moments of history: notably World War II. It was during World War II that this plant birthed the iconic figure of “Rosie the Riveter” and her well known line of “We Can Do It”. The President continues to cast optimistic vision for our nation as he expresses that we need a new model, “The American Model”. See the full address from our President as he walks us through the mighty accomplishments in our nation’s history, how he is bringing jobs back, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: B-24 Liberator, engineering, B-24 Bombers, and Willow Run Plant. Greg shared in this segment.
As the Lord revealed prophetically, just like it was for Truman, so it will be for Trump. God wants us to pay attention to these events, not be surprised or anxious and worried that they are happening. We know in advance as the Lord has shown us. We must pray for the protection of our President, for wisdom to his Cabinet members, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Hear the full conversation as you begin to understand the connection between 1967, today, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Congress, freedom, Republic, The Constitution, Socialism, “ISMs”, and purging. Greg and John shared in this segment.

If we in fact do go to war, we will be victorious. We are going to have to stand up for what we believe in. What may indeed take place will be a global situation. In times, such as these, be encouraged as the Lord has warned us in advance of these events. Do not become anxious or worrisome, but know that He is control. See the full report of how the events of 1967 connect to the present days, the prophetic perspective of a potential war with Russia, China, and North Korea, how America could possibly be attacked if America attacks North Korea, and so much more. Also, share in this segment: Jerusalem, race riots, Muhammad Ali, Syria, The Six Day War, Hydrogen Bomb Testing, Vietnam War Protests, and the Draft. Greg and John shared in this segment. See original article HERE.