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Home » Interview with Michael Boldea: Prophetic Insight Regarding The State of the Church and the Coming Judgment to America

Interview with Michael Boldea: Prophetic Insight Regarding The State of the Church and the Coming Judgment to America


LISTEN NOW! As Greg interviews Michael Boldea, grandson of Dumitru Duduman, and he shares prophetic insight regarding the Church and the coming judgment to America.  Michael Boldea Chairman of Hand of Help Ministries shares how what we are seeing today played out involving the Middle EastUnited States and Russia are things that he and his late grandfather has prophesied about some years ago.  Michael shares that rough times are headed to the earth all the while the Church has lost her authority.  God in his love has chosen to use us however; he will deal with the church.  The rebuke of a loving God is a good thing but if the church does not repent he will according to Proverbs 1 laugh at our calamity.  Michael continues to share that many Christians in the church today see the word of God in a subjective way.  Trying to conform God to the world as opposed to them conforming themselves to God’s Word.  They think that God will just settle for them since in their mind many are not following him and thus He will overlook their sin.  We need to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the nations.  2 Timothy states 3:12 states “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” Michael states that Russian President Vladimir Putin is playing chess while we are playing checkers.  Many thought that Russia died when U.S.S.R. went down but the bear has awakened.  God is warning us.  Just because people think that they can play games with God this is not reciprocal.  God does not play games.  It is only when the storm comes will you know what you are made of.  If the Church in the United States repents it will affect the world.  Greg asks Michael what is coming to America.  Judgment.  When men glory… MORE

Image courtesy of Hand of Help Ministries



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