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Home » Can You Imagine Life Growing Up with 29 Siblings?

Can You Imagine Life Growing Up with 29 Siblings?


It so incredibly encouraging to have people who have lived life, and seen the faithfulness of the Lord do great and mighty things in their lives, to walk alongside us and share their lives with us. In this exciting moment, Greg Lancaster continues his conversation with longtime friend and brother in the Lord, Jack Hollis and talks about how Jack’s son, Quinton grew up with 29 siblings. Jack and Shelly continually invited young people into their home to provide for them and love on them the best they could to simply demonstrate the love of the Lord to them. They would all be eating together, and playing sports together. As Quinton recalls it, “I had all these brothers and sisters. I had the best childhood. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” As Jack remembers, “he had a family. He had more sisters than anybody you ever saw. 29 girls lived with us at different times.” It wasn’t always Jack and Shelly reaching out to the young people, sometimes it was their parents asking if Jack and Shelly could take them for a while. There was one girl that was just too much for them to handle. “A girl, way at the top of a sycamore tree, on drugs; and got her down and she lived with us. And we couldn’t do nothing with her. We just gave up and we’ve never given up on anybody. I took her back to her daddy and said, ‘I’m sorry, but there is no response’” That was nearly 40 years ago. What was incredibly encouraging though, was the Facebook message that was on Shelly’s computer about 5 years ago. “Are you the Jack and Shelly Hollis that I lived with when I was 14?” After Shelly had confirmed, a conversation ensued, and this woman was mature now, was serving the Lord, married, and adopted multiple children. “I want you to know that everything that ya’ll taught me came to life in me. I accepted Christ and all of that made sense after that.” Jack continues, “but the seed, the seed, the one that germinated!” Greg highlights this important reminder, “sometimes you do need someone to intercede for you as parents”.


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