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Home » From Elijah on Mount Carmel to Jehu’s Justice: How Long Did It Take to Overthrow the Jezebel-Ahab Administration?


There are times when we feel that we, our businesses, or our ministries cannot withstand oppressive, dark, intrusive, evil administrations or leadership. However, I want to remind you that everything is only for a season. “Every attack has an expiration date,” as John Kilpatrick, Pastor of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida, was told when he was under such a spiritual attack during one of the most powerful revivals in America. This applies to all of us. It might seem like the season you are in will last forever, or that you might not survive it, but I want to encourage you: it’s only for a certain time. Things will change. The question is, once we make the right choice, which will be discussed, how long will this transition take? 

Exploring the Jezebel-Ahab Administration 

Speaking of expiration dates, this section explores the Jezebel-Ahab administration, which was so evil and repressive that God Himself removed it from existence. It began with God exposing the contrast between Jezebel’s evil administration and His righteousness in all the media outlets of their day, which happened to be on top of mountains. The showdown between Jezebel’s government and God’s government took place on top of Mount Carmel, so all the people of the nation could witness it through the media mountain. They were shown Jezebel’s demonic, perverted, sexually twisted Baal religion on one side of the mountain, and on the other side, they were shown God’s righteousness, realizing that He alone is God and that there is none above Him and there will be none other. 

Elijah’s Presents a Clear Choice for God’s People 

It was there that Elijah, God’s prophet whom He was working through to speak to the people of the nation, called down fire from heaven, consuming the entire altar placed upon the mountain by Elijah himself. He said, “The God who answers by fire is God!” All the people witnessed this God-given binary choice. God brought them to a point of decision after clearly showing them the differences between the two. Then God said, “Choose! Choose today whom you will serve!” God showed them, but they had to choose. Do you choose “A” or “B”? That’s right. God laid it out so clearly. Do you choose this false, dark, evil, perverted demon god, Baal, which is not a god at all, or do you choose God, the One and Only, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? 

The Distinct Choice Before Us 

Today, God is allowing us to see the distinct choice before us. We are witnessing Baal and all the perverted, dark, twisted religion that the demonic Baal represents. We are also beginning to see the righteous leadership of God and the clear choice we will have to make as His people and as a nation in America. I believe America has yet to decide, but none of us can honestly say that we do not see this clear choice before us all: darkness versus light, sin versus righteousness, captivity versus freedom, oppression versus ease of life. Once this choice is made, the question this article explores is when God raises up an Elijah of our day to confront this Baal religion, how long will it take from the time of our Elijah to God’s Jehu, through whom God responded to the people’s choice by destroying all of the Baal religion and administration? 

Biblical Account and Timeframe 

The events I’m referring to are mentioned in the biblical account found in the Book of 1 Kings 18-19. According to the Bible, after the prophet Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and called down fire from heaven, he fled from Queen Jezebel’s threats and went into hiding. 

The time gap between Elijah’s encounter on Mount Carmel and the appearance of Jehu, who played a significant role in executing judgment upon the house of Ahab, is not explicitly mentioned in the biblical narrative. However, we can estimate the time frame based on the sequence of events. 

The Showdown on Mount Carmel 

After Elijah confronts the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and calls down fire from heaven, he becomes a target of Queen Jezebel’s threats. As a result, Elijah goes into hiding, fearing for his life. 

The Time Gap and Elijah’s Journey 

The biblical narrative does not explicitly mention the exact duration between Elijah’s encounter on Mount Carmel and the appearance of Jehu. However, we can estimate the time frame based on the sequence of events. Elijah, after fleeing from Jezebel, embarks on a journey and travels for about 40 days and 40 nights until he reaches Mount Horeb (also known as Mount Sinai). It is during this time that God strengthens Elijah and provides him with further instructions. 

Joram’s Rule and the Rise of Jehu 

While Elijah is on his journey, Ahab’s son, King Joram, is ruling in Jezreel. Jehu, a commander in the army, is anointed by a prophet to become the next king of Israel and to execute God’s judgment against the house of Ahab. Jehu carries out this task by eliminating Ahab’s descendants, including King Joram and Jezebel, along with others associated with Ahab’s rule. 

Estimating the Timeframe from Elijah to Jehu 

Though the exact duration between Elijah’s encounter on Mount Carmel and Jehu’s rise to power is not explicitly provided in the Bible, we can make a reasonable estimation. Considering the time it took for Elijah to travel to Mount Horeb and the subsequent events involving Joram and Jehu, it is likely that several months to a year or more passed. 


We should not be downcast in our emotions or give up hope when God brings the dark realities of our nations to the mountain top of American media. Just as God exposed the darkness of Baal worship and all its debauchery before the nation, it did not mean the nation was being given over to darkness, Jezebel, and Baal worship. Remember, all this was going on throughout the nation, even in the evil administration of Jezebel’s government. God was simply exposing it for what it was. Then and now, God is giving us a choice, a clear choice. What we need to do is focus on the righteous choice and choose God, His Son Jesus Christ, as our Lord. We should seek His mercy, grace, and forgiveness if we were involved in any of the darkness or sin, and then trust in the Lord. If we were not involved and have been faithfully walking with the Lord, and we are witnessing this exposure of evil by God, we should pray for the nation and pray for God’s people to make the righteous choice. Lastly, remember to pray and ask God to raise up a Jehu to deal with it all and purge it from our nation, realizing there will be some time in the transition between our Elijah and Jehu’s righteous judgment.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

Trust God always, including in this time of transition where we are waiting on the Lord after Elijah has confronted the evil in our nation. God is faithful!



There Is HOPE – Is Jehu saying ‘Heads are going to roll’ and new leadership is coming? 

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