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Home » Heidi Baker Released Incredible Prophetic Word for America | Called to be an Eagle, not a Chicken

Heidi Baker Released Incredible Prophetic Word for America | Called to be an Eagle, not a Chicken

It's Time For America to be the Eagle God Has Called it to Be!


“I want to call you to have wings that soar. You’re not called to be a chicken that hops around with a little flight once in a while. You’re called to soar. You’re called to rise up on eagle’s wings to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint. And I want to take your eyes, and I want to lift them up,” says the Lord. “And I want to give you the kind of vision that an eagle has. And I want to give you power over serpents,” says the Lord. “You’ll be able to dive down like an eagle. And if you would understand how an eagle flies, I’m gonna call you to be able to be snake killers. You’re gonna be able to go straight down, grab the serpent, go straight up, and you’ll fly so high that you’ll suffocate the enemy. Because in the heights, in the heights of my spirit, the enemy has no power, no breath, no air. And I want to take you to higher ground,” says the Lord.



“I want to take you to a place of fearless love. And though it’ll be the scariest thing, the scariest thing in your life, I’m calling you to fearlessness. And I’m gonna push you, literally push you out of the nest. I’m going to push you out of the nest because you’re not meant to be nesters. You’re meant to soar. You’re meant to see. You’re meant to go. And I want to put my Spirit upon you, even now, and I’m gonna put my destiny in you. And I’m gonna call you. I’m gonna call you to a place where you warn, even warn those who are chirping with no heads. I’m going to call you to a place where you would warn, even warn those who are running around the yard with no heads. I’m the head,” says the Lord. “I’m the head. I’m your head. You’re not meant to be headless chickens who don’t even know when they’re running with no head. You’re meant to soar like eagles. You’re meant to see with eyes that are clear and eyes that are bright and eyes that are full of hope and eyes that know how to defeat the enemy and eyes that know how to see what I’m doing and where I’m doing it.”

“And I’m going to take you to a place of fearlessness, to a place of growth, to a place of strength, to a place of might, to a place of glory. And you’re going to soar so high, and you’re going to call others to soar with me, with me, with me. For it is by My Spirit,” says the Lord, “that you will soar higher than you’ve ever been. And there, in that place, you will learn to soar without flapping. You’ll learn to soar without flapping, without sweat. Because it will be by My Spirit.”

Six Things We Learn:

  1. Embracing fearlessness is integral to one’s spiritual growth and empowerment.
  2. The eagle’s cry serves as a symbolic call to rise above challenges and limitations.
  3. Understanding spiritual warfare enables individuals to conquer obstacles and adversaries.
  4. Acquiring a divine perspective allows for seeing beyond the immediate circumstances.
  5. The message inspires a desire for transformation, renewed vision, and a deeper connection with spiritual purpose.
  6. The American Church is called to be a bold eagle, not a scared, headless chicken, to soar above the troubles and defeat demonic attacks, snakes.

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