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Home » Billy Graham, “God is tired of people like me getting credit for His work.”

Billy Graham, “God is tired of people like me getting credit for His work.”

We each one does even a small thing it results in "a mosaic of God's work, so astounding that everyone on Earth would recognize it"


Billy Graham was once asked a question about the next generation of great leaders. The question was, “Where are the people that are going to step up? Where’s the next George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, where’s the next Billy Graham?” In response, Billy Graham smiled and said, “God is tired of people like me getting credit for His work.” He went on to explain that this time, the way God would work would be different. He said that ordinary people would feel compelled to do small, perhaps even insignificant acts that they might not fully understand. These people might argue in their own minds, questioning the rationale behind their actions and doubting their impact. However, Graham emphasized that if everyone simply did what they felt they were supposed to do—nothing more, nothing less—and remained faithful to that calling, then a greater picture would emerge. He described it as a mosaic of God’s work, so astounding that everyone on Earth would recognize it as something only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob could have accomplished.

Image: Library of Congress

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