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Home » As goes Israel, So goes America” warning dream! -Chris Reed -MSJN Special Alert: Israel At War.

As goes Israel, So goes America” warning dream! -Chris Reed -MSJN Special Alert: Israel At War.


Roughly Ordered Transcript with Headers

Chris Reed said,

The Dream

‘On October the 8th 2023 that Saturday night I had a dream and in this dream I saw a map of the United States and I saw that through the American southern border amidst the 6 million plus illegal immigrants who have come across the southern border since President Biden took office amidst those people not all of them are bad but infiltrating um coming through those millions of people that have crossed illegally there I saw thousands of trained terrorists from the Middle East countries that have crossed illegally into the US in the dream it was the most strange and unique scenario.

So Goes Israel So Goes America

I was given a cell phone and was somehow able to read encrypted Communications explaining the coordinated plan of terrorists for America to hijack the government and to ultimately bring destruction here at home I remember somehow being able to read the words quote “so goes Israel so goes America”  unquote the attack as you know in Israel uh came through the southern border at a breach of security and intelligence and in this dream the same thing happened at the United States Southern border many of those who have come across our United States Southern border as I said are not evil people.

[Chris Reed is saying, he was shown in a dream by the Lord, that the same southern border breech that took place in Israel and caught them by surprise, the same thing happened in at the American southern border.]

Trained Terrorist

Many people from Middle Eastern Nations have come across the southern border the last almost three years and are trained terrorists I know for a fact in one month this year they caught now these are the ones they caught more terrorists in that were on the terrorist watch list in one month and they caught the entire time of the four years of the Trump Administration.


Middle Eastern Terrorist Have Taken Advantage of America’s Open Border

Now these terrorists from Middle Eastern countries have taken advantage of the open us Southern border especially since the disastrous Afghanistan pull out uh which basically not only allowed Afghanistan to be taken over by uh terrorists, but we left weapons and highly valuable expensive armor artillery of the US military there.  It looks like from pictures on the news that they are using, the terrorists are using, the weaponry that was left by the US from the disastrous Afghanistan pull out in August of 2021.

Afghanistan became since then a breeding ground for terrorists in the dream.   I saw Jihad resurge as a result of the vacuum left in Afghanistan from the US pullout.

I read on this cell phone in the dream which nations the terrorist was coming from and I remembered seeing the “Stan” Nations the Nations that uh the name ended with Stan such as Afghanistan or Pakistan or Uzbekistan.


Cartel Coordinating with Terrorist at U. S. Southern Border, CBN News, October 17, 2023

Now in this dream they were working in coordination with the cartels at the southern border to get these individuals into the United States.  Once they got across the southern border into the US, they would relocate themselves in the United States accordingly as they were told from command.  They were somehow receiving Communications through this technological device I was given a cell phone.

12 Dormant Terrorist Cells in United States

I saw at least 12 dormant terrorist cells in the US map.  These terrorists that infiltrated at the southern border were mostly taking shelter initially in sanctuary cities.


Cell Phone – Technology Communication from Leader to Terrorist Cells in United States

Once they got there through this communication device, they were given contacts of likeminded terrorists in those local areas they were relocating to connect with upon their arrival they could work in those communities where they could now establish themselves establish a life.

Terrorist in United States Promised Families will be Rewarded Financially and They Themselves would be Rewarded in the Afterlife.

They were promised from command the one that was giving them instructions through technology that if they would comply their families would be rewarded financially and that they were promised rewards in the afterlife if they complied.

12 Places in United States that had Dormant Terrorist (Sleeper) Cells

There were 12 places I saw in the US there were sleeper cells, dormant terrorist cells, and I saw a few places on the map where they were:

I remember seeing: Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Texas, Carolinas,  and the Northeast the New England, New York,  Boston,  and Philadelphia.

The plan was to control the actions of the US government and to dictate our foreign policy and our response to events in the world and they would control how we would function with our defense,  our response to world events by blackmailing the US government.

It was this quote “if you do this in any particular situation, we will coordinate a response” ultimately the final one being a detonation of explosives if the government didn’t comply with their wishes.

Terrorist Clear Demands of United States Government

The demands were clear number one in the dream I was shown the demands upon the US government were:

  1. Don’t use the US military to attack or fight against Islamic terrorists number.
  2. Continue to send funds to Iran and other terrorist states to support them in the name of foreign aid.
  3. They had pictures explicit in nature of us politicians in every branch of our government that they threaten to use if the US crossed their Red Line.
  4. Explosions were the last step but before that they could attack the infrastructure with technological disruptions blackouts and other technological disruptions as a means of controlling the US government and our response and our ability to defend and go on the offense they could also coordinate through this technology of communication they could coordinate with mass shootings or mass knife attacks or they could take hostages in various places in the United States for ransom money
  5. I then finally saw a detonation happened across the US with smoke clouds all over the map Rubble destruction and disaster.


Rough YouTube Transcript

hello this is Chris Reed and this is a Morning Star Journal News special alert
on October the 7th 2023 Palestinian terrorist groups led by
Hamas launched a large scale Invasion and defensive against Israel from the Gaza
Strip the attack has been called Israel’s 9911 because the attack led to
a catastrophic civilian death toll as of now over 1,200 Israelis and 22 American
citizens were murdered in Cold Blood including infants children and the
elderly as terrorists went house to house through is Israeli Villages after
border walls were breached in fact I was in few of those Villages last year
myself an Israeli Music Festival also saw hundreds of young Israelis murdered
in Cold Blood by Hamas terce who breached the wall using
paragliders now this was a planned terrorist attack staged with the support
of jihadist Nations most notably
Iran it was a surprise attack because Israeli intelligence failed to
anticipate the breach of their defenses that happened including the bombardment
of the Iron Dome missile defense system and the disablement of Hightech walls
that were designed to detect tampering they basically overwhelmed the Iron
Dome the attack included countless atrocities and war crimes borrowed from the Isis
playbook in fact on the news now they’re even saying this is Isis activity they
found Isis Badges and flags on the bodies of the terrorists who were
killed women and children were raped in
front of parents and spouses the elderly were executed Point
Blank this was disgusting hundreds of hostages were
taken and are now being used by Hamas to demand that Israel halt its
Counterattack it’s not known exactly how many of these hostages are Americans but
we know they are there now Hamas has threatened to execute one hostage for
every hour that Israel responds to the attack with a Justified use of force
Israel has now become United in its response to decisively deal with the
terrorist threat of Hamas under the leadership of prime minister Benjamin
Netanyahu the surprise attack is the worst anti-semitic attack since the
Holocaust since the days of Adolf Hitler and this has galvanized and United the
Jewish people around the world now I want to share with you a very
significant dream that this is the first time I’ve shared this this publicly I’ve
also shared this with Sid Roth in an interview that I have conducted with him
uh today I had this dream on Saturday night October the 8th
2023 and this dream I called the US terrorist cells from the southern border
now I hesitated to share this for several days and I didn’t get permission from the Lord to share it
because I wanted to prayerfully contemplate it but after much
contemplation I decided to share it and I’m glad that I’m sharing it now so that you can be aware not in fear but in high
alert with situational awareness with an increasing of prophetic discernment to
know the times and seasons on October the 8th 2023 that
Saturday night I had a dream and in this dream I saw a map of the
United States and I saw that through the American southern border amidst the 6
million plus illegal immigrants who have come across the southern border since
President Biden took office amidst those people not all of them are bad but
infiltrating um coming through those millions of people that have crossed
illegally there I saw thousands of trained terrorists from the
Middle East countries that have crossed illegally into the US in the
dream it was the most strange and unique scenario I was given a cell
phone and was somehow able to read encrypted
Communications explaining the coordinated plan of
terrorists for America to hijack the government and to ultimately bring
destruction here at home I remember somehow being able to read the words
quote so goes Israel so goes America
unquote the attack as you know in Israel uh came through the southern border at a
breach of security and intelligence and in this dream the same thing
happened at the US Southern border many of those who have come across our us
Southern border as I said are not evil people but many people from Middle
Eastern Nations have come across the southern border the last almost three years and
are trained terrorists I know for a fact in one month this year
they caught now these are the ones they caught more terrorists in that were on
the terrorist watch list in one month and they caught the entire time of the
four years of the Trump Administration now these terrorists from
Middle Eastern countries have taken advantage of the open us Southern border especially since
the disastrous Afghanistan pull out uh
which basically not only allowed Afghanistan to be taken over by uh
terrorists but we left weapons and highly valuable expensive
armor artillery of the US military there and
it looks like from pictures on the news that they are using
the terrorists are using the Weaponry that were that was left by
the us from the disastrous Afghanistan pull out in August of
2021 so Afghanistan became since then a breeding ground for terrorists in the
dream I saw Jihad resurge as a result of the vacuum left in Afghanistan from the
US pullout I read on this cell phone in the dream which nations the
Terrace were coming from and I remembered seeing the Stan Nations the
Nations that uh the name ended with Stan such as Afghanistan or
Pakistan or usbekistan now in this dream they were working in
coordination with the cartels at the southern border to get these individuals
into into the United States and once they got across the southern border into
the US they would relocate themselves in the United States accordingly as they
were told from command that they were somehow receiving
Communications through this technological device I was I was given a
cell phone I then saw at least 12 dormant ter terorist cells on the US
map and these terrorists that infiltrated at the southern border were
mostly taking shelter initially in sanctuary cities and once they got there through
this communication uh device they were given
contacts of likeminded terrorists in those local areas they
were relocating to to connect with upon their arrival they could work in those
communities where they could now establish themselves establish a life
and they were promised from command the one that was giving them
instructions through technology that if they would comply their families would be rewarded
financially and that they were promised rewards in the afterlife if they
complied there were 12 places I saw in the US that were sleeper cells dormant
Terrace cells and I saw a few places on the map where they were I saw I remember seeing
Michigan Minnesota Arizona
Texas the Carolinas and the Northeast the New
England area new New York Boston Philadelphia in that area the plan was
this it was to control the actions of the US government and to dictate our
foreign policy and our response to events in the world and they
would control how we would function with our defense our response to world events by
blackmailing the US government it was this quote if you do
this in any particular uh situation we will coordinate a
response ultimately the final one being a detonation of
explosives if the government didn’t comply with their Wishes the demands were clear number one in the dream I was
shown the demands upon the US government word don’t use the US military to attack
or fight against Islamic terrorists number two continue to send funds to
Iran and other terrorist states to support them in the name of foreign aid
number three they had pictures explicit in nature of us politicians in every
branch of our government that they threaten to use if the US crossed their
Red Line number four explosions were the last step but before
that they could attack the infrastructure with technological
disruptions blackouts and other technological disruptions as a means of
controlling the US government and our response and our ability to defend and go on the offense they could also
coordinate through this technology of communication they could coordinate with
mass shootings or mass knife attacks or they could take hostages in
various places in the United States for ransom money I then finally saw a d a
detonation happened across the US with smoke clouds all over the map
Rubble destruction and disaster I woke up and it has troubled
me for days I I couldn’t even talk about it to anybody for two days but I woke up
and I knew that if action was taken now this was a warning and just like when God told Jonah to go to Nineveh because
he was going to bring judgment on Nineveh if they would repent or take action that judgment they could be
spared and ultimately Nineveh was spared for a season the the Judgment
that was predicted or prophesied didn’t come immediately just like Hezekiah was
told get your house in order you’re going to die that was a prophetic word
but by his repentance and his response and turning his face to the wall the
Lord added 15 years of his life and I knew just like this attack that came
from the southern Border in the US this attack that they are also planning in
the US has come through people coming through our Southern border we need to pray and watch and
listen and be alert and be like the sons of issachar who know the times and Seasons we need to be able to have a
serious level of spiritual awareness and situational awareness we
need to be trained on Disaster Response disaster prevention and when we need to
know the warning signs around us wherever you live of the warning signs
and evidences of this dream that I saw these 12 Terrace cells that are
currently sleeping or dorment that can activate upon
command this is a serious prophetic dream I haven’t had a dream like this
since the $50 bill dream okay and I know that prayer and human
will can affect the outcome and this is given as a warning and I think that we can change
the result of this but if we don’t what I saw would happen now getting back to Israel
there’s great prophetic significance to this war the attack was launched only one day
from the exact 50-year anniversary of the young kapor
War the attack that happened this year just recently was on the last day of the
Feast of Tabernacles or sukot which was the last and greatest day of the feast
and that’s mentioned in John 7:37 Israel is Central to many of the
Lord’s promises for the end times I’ve often said if you want to know what time it is look at your watch if you want to
know what the prophetic time is or ES eschatological time clock look at
Israel and I’m certainly not the only one who’s ever said that because Israel is Central to many
of the end time promises what is happening there often serves as a marker
of what time it is on God’s time clock as Believers we are grafted into Israel
we didn’t replace Israel we were grafted into Israel and have a Biblical mandate to
provoke the Jews to jealousy as Gentile
Believers and to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem so even if you don’t agree
with that eschatological view or think that natural Israel has any future
promises you can still pray for the Peace of Jerusalem which is a Biblical command in Psalm 1
22: 6 and God has promised that he will quote bless those Nations who bless
Israel and curse those Nations who curse Israel Genesis 12
and3 so how we respond to what’s happening in Israel individually and how we respond as a
nation with our support or with our condemnation will affect our individual
and our national trajectory for many years to come
now this also is in coordination with a dream that Rick
Joiner had about Israel it’s also available on Morningstar
tv.com and you can look um for the title graphic for the Vision conference
prepare for war in 2024 and we chose the name for that
Vision conference our end of the year conference before that war started in
Israel so I encourage you to check out Rick’s dream okay and I also you to uh
encourage you to check out um the advertisement for our Vision conference
and you can register to come for that conference at the end of December here
at Morning Star here in Fort Mill South Carolina we’re just 15 minutes south of Charlotte and that’s where I also
release the prophecies as I’ve done the last five years or so what I see coming
the next year and Beyond but the title for the Vision conference is prepare for war in in
2024 now Hamas is uh issues a call to all Muslims now I had this dream and
shared it earlier this week Tuesday for the first time with the staff and since
then even though this is the first time I’m sharing it publicly and with
sidroth Hamas has issued a call to Muslims
everywhere to make Friday October the 13th a quote day of jihad
unquote referring to it as Al AA flood
Friday it’s a call for Muslims and Arabs to mobilize and participate actively and
presumably initiate acts of Terror which Hamas has already done in Israel that
killed innocent civilians Hamas particularly called on
Palestinians and Arabs in East Jerusalem and all of Israel to rise up against
Israeli soldiers and revolt against the state
some of our listeners have shared warnings they receive from the Lord about Friday October 13th through our
Watchmen archives in particular New York City has been highlighted as a potential
Target and Friends it is a target it is
please take this prophetic warning seriously and I encourage you if you’re
watching this share it in every every way that you can digitally on Facebook
social media however you get this send it out to as many people as you can as many groups as you can on social media
this is important this particular broadcast that you’re listening to right now this morning star Journal News Alert
this msj andert now it is
scary the current president that we have even though he has come out and I do
appreciate that he has and so has secretary of state blinkin made a pretty
strong statement I just hope it’s more than words in support of
Israel it’s likely no accident that the Biden Administration
recently unfroze $6 billion in Iranian assets while Biden
claims this money was spent only or is to only be spent on humanitarian
supplies like food and Medicine money okay is fungible in other words
that means that even if the money that was spent on food or other supplies this would only serve to free
up other money or additional $6 billion in their budget to spend on their
anti-israel and anti-American terrorist agenda Iran is often in their chamber of
government been known for sh for chanting death to America and death to
Israel they refer to the two Nations as the little Satan and the great
Satan so support for Iran from both the Obama and uh Biden uh administrations is
a major component in what made this attack possible coupling that with the
Afghan pullout it is destabilized the region it’s emboldened desperat and
dictators to take actions they wouldn’t have under the previous administration
when there is weakness in Washington DC you see things like Wars in Eastern
Europe and now war in the Middle East break out now while Biden freed up these
assets Obama failed in the Iranian nuclear deal if
you remember president Trump cancelled it then Biden came back in office and tried to reinstitute it and this allows
Iran to resume many aspects of its nuclear development
program a nation that is already incredibly rich in crude oil does not
need to produce energy with nuclear power hello
unfortunately anti-Semitism has been on the rise in in
America because leftism is on the rise and some of the just a handful of
American congressmen and women have put the Palestinian
flag outside or inside their offices and have not been willing to verbally
condemn the beheading of infants and I think we and I’m doing it
now we should call for the resignation of these politicians who
refuse to condemn any form of terrorism now unfortunately as I said
this anti-Semitism has been on the rise here in America and abroad cities Across
America have saw these R these rallies unfortunately many of these cities saw
an even bigger show of support for the terrorist group Hamas more than they did for Israel now that’s not
everywhere but it is happening in some places it is critical for American
Christians to stand with Israel not just because they’re our biggest Ally in the
Middle East and they’re a democracy although that’s a major reason but also
as a Biblical mandate and and because our fellow Citizens need to hear the truth that
flows from a solid Biblical world view now with Christians making their
voices heard we can turn the tide in 2024 and see a change in our foreign
policy in the future but we are in a very dangerous place right now as a
nation with weakness in DC weakness in the administration you know president Reagan
said peace through strength when America is strong okay
evil desperate dictators and Rogue Nations don’t act
like they are acting right now this is why Morning Star Ministries we are based
in the United States and this is why even though we are a worldwide Ministry our the majority of our audience is the
United States because as go the United States so goes the world and if we lose
this bright and shiny city on a hill then the world is affected and right now
we’re seeing the world affected in Eastern Europe in the Middle East because of what happened in in 2020 and
who is leading this nation now we are in a dangerous place and many
things are hanging in the balance in this next election and how it’s decided
and let me just tell you do not fall for the agenda of the
anti-trumpers or the left or even Rhino Republicans who will try to get you to
vote against a personality instead of voting for
policy because if we don’t get this next election right in 2020
4 an America will never recover to the nation that we’ve always known and
loved now in other headlines the UAW uh
strikes are still uh in the news on September 15 2023 nearly 13,000 UAW
workers uh union members began a strike against the big three us automakers Ford
GM in stellantis and the strike has been ongoing and extended to about 25,000
union workers at 43 facilities Across the Nation as a result of the strikes all
three automakers have laid off almost 5,000 employees which is prompted layoff
at suppliers and related industries that supply parts for those workers to do
their job so if one major layoff happens multiple other
companies also who are producing other parts have to lay off
people because of this unresolved situation just this week the UAW shut
down Ford’s Kennedy uh Kentucky plant excuse me which is the biggest plant
globally that generates about a sixth of Ford’s Global Automotive
Revenue this strike includes 8,700 union members who were prompted by
Ford’s refusal to move further in contract bargaining recent data showed
that this strike has already cost the US economy more than any other Auto strike
this Century that’s major news now it’s unclear if the strike will be expanded
again but an update is expected by October 13th and there’s something significant
about that date Friday October 13th
2023 now in other headlines us strategic oil reserves are
low the US strategic petroleum reserve the spr is at its lowest level since
1983 the reserve has only about 17 days worth of oil if the US was suddenly cut
off from imports from other nations and no new
domestic oil s sources were tapped this is half of the historical
average of 33 days that’s been maintained since the 1990s the Biden
Administration has drawn the spr down in an effort to try and lower
gas prices they always do these things by the way at election times you’re going to see
over the next year them do things that they wouldn’t have done the other three years of the administration they’re
going to step up and act like they’re strong in their defense or they’re going to clamp down on illegal immigration to
some degree because at election time they want you to think they’re reasonable don’t take the
bait by the way have I mentioned please share this broadcast And subscribe and
click like and follow Morning Star Journal News in our various outlets on YouTube Facebook and also on Morningstar
tv.com and the Morningstar Journal uh.com Biden has promised the spr would
be refilled as oil prices dropped but oil prices have remained High the spr is
dangerously low especially now that there is a war in the Middle East
guys we’ve got to have an American awakening there’s already a spiritual awakening going on I know that’s
happening but we’ve also got to have a social cultural conscious
Awakening because this puts America and Europe at risk of an energy crisis as
Europe has been buying American Oil rather uh or after the ban was placed on
buying Russian oil in response to Russia’s war with Ukraine this is a
serious crisis and if we don’t get the right leaders in DC next after next year
in the 2024 election it’s only going to continue to go bad and you think the
economy is bad now if we stay home and don’t vote don’t fall for that thinking
that says well my vote counts I’m not going to do it anyway don’t fall for that your vote will
matter and remember this is a prophetic word if we don’t get the 2024 election
right America will forever change and never go back to what we have been the
leader of the Free World now here’s some good news for a
change even in the midst of the Peril in Israel the war and increasing
instability in the US that there are signs that God is still moving at
Israel’s benan International Airport many of the people trying to leave
Israel were stranded due to many flight cancellations but instead of fretting
they joined together in prayer for Israel they didn’t cave to fear and
neither should you but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get prepared prepar edness and prayer are
the two most important P’s that should be in your vocabulary also a church in Texas has
shared that 755 people have come to Faith In Jesus and have been baptized in
the last year while there is a narrative in the media that faith in God is diminishing
the Revival that began at Asbury College early this year continues to spread to
other college campuses and to churches other churches in America and I believe
this is proof that people are turning to Jesus in the midst of the shaking that’s going on in the world and I can testify
and tell you as well we are having an incredible move of God here at Morning Star
Ministries our Affiliates our churches our fellowship of Ministries but here in Fort Mill South Carolina just 15 minutes
south of Charlotte the Morning Star Fellowship Church here we are seeing
expanded growth we’re seeing a great move of the Holy Spirit and Supernatural
signs and wonders I don’t know of a church if there’s a church in America that has more excitement in it right now
than Morning Star Fellowship Church here in Fort Mill South Carolina and I don’t say that with
exaggeration thank you so much for joining me today for this
msjnet share this because of the dream this dream is important it may save our
nation it may save lives we need to tell people share this as much as you can and
check out Morningstar journal.com thank you for joining us today for this msj and special alert I’m
Chris Reed from Morning Star Ministries God bless [Music]
you hey this is Chris Reed and I want to tell you about probably my most favorite
Conference of the year the advanced prophetic conference here at Morning Star October the 19th through the 21st
and I’ll be speaking Rick Joiner will be speaking and Chuck Pierce will be here
with us as our special guest speaker and we’re going to have worship with colani web Don Potter and Misty Edwards from
IHOP this conference is going to be about purifying the prophetic getting
back to the original Spirit of Prophecy the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
Prophecy and you know there’s been so much controversial about the prophetic in the last few years I believe we’re
going to have a Clarion call to realign with the testimony of Jesus and we’re
going to see what’s coming how to strategize for the days ahead how to plan how to be prepared for the best
days of human history I’ll see you there has never been a more important
time to know the times to be prepared for them spiritually and physically and
to hear the call of God to know where and how to Rally in 2024 the world is
facing unprecedented challenges spiritually and economically it’s truly
a time of uncertainty a time to prepare but don’t wait till it’s too late be
ready for what’s coming tune your spiritual radio to the frequency of Heaven make needed and necessary Divine
connections and gain clarity about the will of God corporately and individually
have confidence in the victory peace and joy of the Lord

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