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Home » Prophetic Dream: Welcome to the Arena [Persecution] Pastor John Kilpatrick

Prophetic Dream: Welcome to the Arena [Persecution] Pastor John Kilpatrick


The incident I’m about to describe occurred last Saturday night [March 9, 2024]. In a vivid dream, I found myself having already undergone surgery, lying on my left side in my bedroom. I had awakened around 4:30 in the morning and was simply lying there in the dark, wide awake, staring into the void with my eyes wide open. In this state of alertness, I witnessed a startling vision: a green horse, ridden by what I can only describe as a demonic-looking clown, entered my room. This was no ordinary clown; its appearance was truly unnerving, and the suddenness of its arrival frightened me immensely. In my shock, I exclaimed loudly, worried that I might awaken others in the house.

Following the encounter, I prayed, seeking understanding and guidance from the Lord about what this vision might signify. Unable to return to sleep, I rose from my bed at 4:30AM and spent the early hours in my den, reading and praying.

By around 6:00AM or 7:00AM in the morning, my granddaughter, Bethany Kilpatrick, called me. Interestingly, she shared a dream she had experienced that night, which also involved a clown. I refrained from sharing my own dream with her at that moment, as I didn’t want to alarm her before her worship duties. In her dream, a clown handed her a piece of paper, similar to the stationary Pastor Burke often uses, with “CHP” (Church Of His Presence) inscribed on it. This paper, disturbingly, was dripping with blood and bore the message “Welcome to the arena.”

It wasn’t until later that evening that I shared my dream with her. Discovering that two people under the same roof had dreamt about clowns on the same night struck us as more than a mere coincidence; it seemed like a significant sign.

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