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Home » Prophecy: The Battle to Focus in These Days of Chaos: We Can Help!

Temptation and Its Source

Yesterday, Chuck Pierce writes, it felt like there was a significant spiritual battle occurring in the atmosphere. The Lord reminded me of a crucial scripture:

“And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, ‘God is tempting me.’ God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” (James 1:13-15 NLT).

The Role of Satan and Divine Strength

The Lord allows the tempter, Satan, to access His resources (John 8:44). However, He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. The Lord provides us with access to Himself, enabling us to overcome our own desires and Satan’s temptations.

A Message from Penny Jackson

Penny Jackson sent an encouraging message:

“With all of the confusion around you, the real war the enemy is creating is to make you completely lose focus on Me. You will have to be very careful in days ahead. As things intensify, so will your focus have to. You will have to set out intentionally to find Me each day. I am there. Of course I am there, but there is such a war to keep you away.

You can’t drop your guard for a second. All hell would like to separate you, to pull you away. There is an intensity in this that has never been there before. It is vital that you pursue Me now, and it is vital that you begin your day with Me.

I have a battle plan for every step of your way. I have ways to show you that battle plan. You don’t need to fear that you won’t know how to proceed. However, the enemy is working overtime to keep you from focusing to hear that plan. Distractions abound, and there is bad news at every turn if you listen to it. But don’t listen. Interact with Me in each part of your day. Keep me foremost in your mind. Let Me be a part of every action, every interaction.

There is strength in every action I give you. There is supernatural strength and grace in every step of your way. Don’t expect these actions to be grand or mighty. It may be an interaction with someone in the grocery store. It might be a prophetic act that I have you do which may seem minimal to you, but you haven’t always seen the power of those acts. I have a purpose.

Go through your day consciously saying, ‘What now, Lord? What’s next, Lord?’ No matter how unimportant it may feel to you, just do it. My ways are not your ways. Listening to Me, honoring what I say, honoring who I am. In this will be your victory. This is how we will move forward.

This is not a time to fear, but this is a time to be very intentional.”

Our Gift for You, to Help You Focus

We have prepared a gift for you to help you focus. Jesus said it’s impossible to do anything without abiding in Him, but when we abide in Him and He in us, we can bear much fruit and ask anything of the Father in His name, and it will be given to us.

Most people want to abide, but they need a plan. We have a simple abiding plan that we’d like to give to you as a gift, which you can find at

Tabernacle Prayer

Did you know that Moses’ Tabernacle was a shadow of the true Tabernacle in God’s presence in heaven? When we pray through the shadow in faith, we are praying as if we are seated with Christ in heaven in the true Tabernacle. I will soon be releasing “The Tabernacle Prayer” through to help you and many others elevate your hearts, minds, and faith to the Glory Presence of God in His true Tabernacle, for God will make His Tabernacle with us forever!  Pray with me as I pray through the Tabernacle below.

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