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Home » The Shift Away from Institutions: A Call to Return to Jesus


In today’s world, there’s a noticeable shift happening where people are moving away from traditional institutions. This change, reflected in Hebrews 13:12-14, highlights the importance of sanctification through Jesus Christ. As faith and politics become institutionalized, they tend to lose their true purpose, focusing instead on self-preservation. This article explores the implications of this shift and how we can respond by leading people to Jesus, rather than to doctrines or institutions. 


The Corruption of Institutionalized Faith and Politics 

When faith and politics become institutionalized, they often become corrupted. The primary goal shifts from seeking and spreading the truth to defending and growing the institution. This corruption leads to a loss of genuine purpose and connection to the core values and truths that these institutions were initially built upon. 

The Call to Lead People to Jesus 

People are increasingly seeing through the facade of institutions and are yearning for a genuine connection with Jesus. Our response should be to guide them towards Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to place them in the body of Christ as He pleases. This approach mirrors the apostolic gospel, which focused on preaching Jesus and the resurrection from the dead. Understanding the resurrection can free individuals from the fear of death, which is the root of all bondage. 

Living Outside the Camp 

Just as Jesus suffered outside the gate to sanctify people through His blood, we are called to go to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach. This means staying outside institutional confines and not being swayed by the establishment. The institutions often rise against those who challenge them, as they did with Jesus. However, our focus should remain on the truth and leading people to Jesus, not on pleasing men or seeking approval from institutions.  Remember, Jesus Himself stayed outside the camp. Though He would enter the cities to reach people, He was rejected by institutional religions and remained outside the camp. 

The Apostolic Gospel and the Resurrection 

The apostolic gospel preached Jesus and the resurrection. This focus liberates individuals from the fear of death, which keeps them in bondage. Hebrews reminds us that those who fear death are kept in bondage their entire lives. Jesus came to set us free from this fear through faith in the truth. We must follow Jesus’ example of staying outside the camp and not becoming part of institutionalized faith. 

Small is God’s Next Big Thing 

“Small is God’s next big thing. The small groups meeting from house to house are where the important work of God is taking place right now among His people. In these intimate settings, many things are processed that cannot be addressed in larger gatherings. In the temple, you can have the apostles’ teaching and teachers who can’t visit all the small groups, emphasizing the unique role of such large meetings. Corporate worship, a special experience we need together, is why the Lord commanded Israel to gather in Jerusalem three times a year. While these large gatherings are essential, I tell you, it is the house-to-house meetings that are the most important at this time. These gatherings must become the main identity of our church, where we experience true fellowship—Koinonia, not just Ekklesia.” Rick Joyner 

Recognizing Jesus as Our Teacher 

To truly follow Jesus, we must recognize Him as our personal teacher. This involves taking our most important questions to Him and seeking His guidance. When we experience Jesus as our teacher, our eyes are opened, and we can recognize His presence and teachings in various forms. This personal relationship with Jesus is fundamental to our spiritual growth and understanding. 

He Will Avenge Them Speedily: We’re Going to Start Seeing the Lord’s Vengeance Against Our Enemies 

Remember the parable of the widow in the city who came to the judge, saying, “Avenge me of my adversary.” Some translations interpret this as “give me justice,” but the original word is stronger, meaning truly to avenge. The judge ignored her for a while, but eventually, he said to himself, “Though I fear neither God nor man, because this widow troubles me, I will avenge her, lest her continual coming wearies me.” The Lord then emphasized, “Hear what the unjust judge said, and shall not God avenge His elect who cry day and night unto Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you, He will avenge them speedily.” 

We are going to start seeing the Lord’s vengeance against our enemies, and their institutions which will begin to happen when His people begin praying for it. The heavens belong to the Lord, but the Earth He has given to the sons of men. The prophets in the Old Testament, under a less favorable covenant than ours, prayed for God’s judgments. Elijah prayed for it not to rain. Likewise, we will pray for God’s judgments when it is His will and His time. Right now, there are prayers He desires from us for His vengeance against those trying to destroy our country, the church, and God’s people. 

Romans 12:19 advises, “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God.” This wrath is about to be released, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Now is the time to pray for God’s vengeance to come against our enemies, trusting in His promise to avenge His elect speedily. 

The Role of Prophetic Ministry 

Prophetic ministry plays a significant role in guiding the church and individuals. Prophets under the Old Covenant prayed for God’s judgments, and we, under a better covenant, are also called to pray for His will to be done. This includes praying for the release of God’s vengeance against those who oppose His purposes. 


The shift away from institutions towards a more personal and genuine faith in Jesus is a significant movement. By leading people to Jesus, fostering small group fellowship, and recognizing Him as our personal teacher, we can stay true to the apostolic gospel and experience the freedom and growth that comes with it. Our focus should remain on Jesus, not on institutional approval or doctrinal persuasions, as we navigate this crucial time in our spiritual journey. 

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