Today we hear from Lance Wallnau as he talks about what you believe about your experiences determines your destiny. He shares how important the lens is that you look through because how we see things is based on our beliefs. It explains why programs like VFNKB and VFNtv are important.
“Life happens so what we have is experience, so when an experience happens it really is not as important as the next part…it is what you believe as a result of that experience. Someone is interpreting for you, what is happening to you.” Our experiences are what we see in our daily life, community, nation, and world. “When history happens, how you believe and interpret the experience is more powerful than the experience itself. Your experience is never the important factor but the beliefs you attach to your experience. Whoever is interpreting those experiences is shaping your belief.” It is important what beliefs we have about our experiences. “Your decisions become the choices that you make. Your choices are always going to shape your harvest.” Lastly, we make our decisions based on our beliefs.
Lance Wallnau continues, “I believe the next generation needs to be mobilized by believers…nations are about to come into the Kingdom of God.” God has called us to win nations! Watch VFNtv because we talk about a biblical viewpoint. Secular media is not broadcasting light. Click this link, Civil Christianity, to join with us to be civil Christians in a civil land. You can see more about Lance Wallnau here. We want to hear from you and what you think about this. Also shared in this segment: Teachers, Spirit, Responsibility, enemy, Hope, Integrity. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Emmaus Road Discipleship
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