LISTEN NOW! Jesus called us to transform our culture. No matter what culture we are in, or what culture we desire to impact for Jesus Christ, everyone has seven areas of influence that can also be called “Mountains”: Family, Religion (Church), Government, Arts & Entertainment, Media, Education, and Business. When we begin to understand how each of these areas affect culture, we can begin to understand why we have been placed where we are to most effectively use our gifts and talents for the Kingdom of God. But, the big question is, how do we do this? Lance Wallnau addresses these very realities as to how to impact culture. This is the essence of VFN Kingdom Business!
When we look at our present society, we can easily recognize that not all the areas of culture are moving in accordance with the Kingdom of God. This is because of who is at the top of each of these mountains. Wallnau points out how God chose Saul to come against the existence of the Philistines in Israel. Applying this to ourselves, he points out, “The anointing is on you to command. The command is on you for the assignment; and the assignment that God has, is for you to deal with the darkness.” For too long, we have thought that the Church belongs within the four walls on Sunday mornings while we neglect the existence of every other place in culture, every other day of the week. “You’ve got to go where the devil is working to destroy it.”
It’s important to recognize how God works. He doesn’t always move in accordance with our expectations and surely not our own timelines. How does He? Wallnau describes it perfectly by saying, “When God is about to move, what does He send? Send a revival? No, He sends a person carrying revival. Think about this. God doesn’t send deliverance, He sends a deliverer.” It’s important to understand that God uses people to bring about His plans and that He has a plan for each and everyone of us. Often times, the Church has gotten focused on the anointing of God while forgetting what the purpose of the anointing is for. “The anointing is on you for an assignment.”
When we begin to look at where God has placed us, we can begin to put the pieces together of how God desires to use us for His purposes. Wallnau shares from his own journey about learning these very realities. The first time the prophetic anointing fell upon him, he was in a boardroom full of corporate executives; or as Wallnau describes it, “unsaved, heathen, business people”. It wasn’t exactly the same environment as a Sunday morning. It happened moments before he was to give a presentation to the Vice President of the company. In his own confliction, Wallnau shares, “I’m getting up to give a presentation like Joseph on what the company needs to do to prosper in the future…I’m feeling the anointing, cause when we have the anointing, where I grew up…there was a particular style of prophetic.” He even shares about the intricate dialogue he had with himself while realizing this “particular style” wasn’t probably going to be well received by these “businessmen”. “The anointing is on me and I’m prophesying out exactly what they have to do….and when I got done, the vice president of the company…he stood up, giving an applauding, standing ovation…” There is so much applicable wisdom that the Church can learn from when we begin to apply the very lessons that Wallnau has learned in his own life. We think that we must know all of the answers before we even attempt to try. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. “You don’t have to know what you’re doing, you have to always act like you know what you’re doing.”
During Wallnau’s extensive experience working with different corporations and organizations around the world, he has encountered many different situations that has given him the wisdom he has today. One particular situation he shares, is when a corporate board asks Wallnau’s wisdom on what to do about needing to change the name of a company. A man had a successful design for a battery that would work effectively in the market of China. Problem is, the name of the company was “Jesus Loves You Batteries”. While explaining how the story ended with a success, he points out, “If you want to penetrate world systems, don’t advertise prematurely what your agenda is…” Instead, “you establish your preeminence within a certain field, and then you unveil your theology”. The wisdom is how we reach and impact those in culture, and the timing that we do it in.
Wallnau continues to walk through how we go about reaching those that God has called us to reach for the Kingdom. “If you’re in the marketplace, then the way that you go, you go as a supernatural problem solver who has a remarkable track record of getting results no one else can get.” This is when we begin to recognize that problems are around us because God has positioned us to provide the needed answer. We don’t share the Gospel too soon and lose the opportunity to do so. “In the overt, preaching of the Word of God we declare Christ and demonstrate Christ to make disciples of people.”But, there is more; and here is where the difference is made. “In the covert…we teach. We don’t preach, and we create success, so that the climate is conducive to the evangelizing that follows after we have established our credibility as experts.” More simply put, Wallnau says, “It is a perfect scenario for sharing your faith because they are already sold on you.”
This is what VFN Kingdom Business is all about. Many want to be effective in their areas of influence, no matter where that may be in the marketplace; whether it be in government, in media, in education, or in any other mountain within culture. By understanding the realities of culture, and how we can effectively transform culture for the Kingdom of God where God has placed us, many will find themselves no longer bored with what happens on Sunday mornings because we can clearly see how applicable, and necessary it is during the other six days of the week! Be revitalized and stirred in your faith to begin seeing where God has placed YOU as the MISSION FIELD in your respective mountain of culture, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: vision, purpose, Corporate America, government, prayers, evangelism, boredom, assignment, business ideas, relationships, and unity. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from lancewallnau.biz
screen capture from lancewallnau.biz
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