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Home » “I can no longer play the blame game!” Pensacola Chief of Police, David Alexander, shares about the importance of Repentance and Reconciliation with God

“I can no longer play the blame game!” Pensacola Chief of Police, David Alexander, shares about the importance of Repentance and Reconciliation with God


LISTEN NOW! It was a powerful moment when the city of Pensacola Florida’s first African American Chief of Police, David Alexander, took the stage to address a crowd gathered to pray for the nation. After responding with a standing ovation to his beginning words on the microphone, everyone in attendance listened attentively to each of his words.

As Chief Alexander recalled a recent instance of a woman walking two energetic dogs down the street, he highlighted the importance of unity in order to walk with those around us. When Adam and Eve sinned, they resorted to blame, instead of seeking humility in the face of God. As the Chief continues, “If we’re so busy blaming each other, there’s no way in the world that we can walk together, and there’s no way in the world that we can please God.” If this weren’t applicable enough, he describes how this is happening right now in our present society in America. “So now you got racists blaming each other, you got police blaming the people, the people blaming the police, you got parents blaming children, children blaming parents. When are we going to seek His face?” It doesn’t get any clearer than that! Be greatly encouraged as you see the full statements from the Chief and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: agreement, unity, prayer, humility, repentance, and healing. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
VFNtv.com/Olive Baptist Church




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