On the heels of the horrifying events of a Jordanian Pilot being burned alive at the hands of ISIS, Jordan has made swift reactions. According to Fox News, Jordan has responded resulting in 55 deaths. It appears that the world is in chaos right now. Is there a reason why the world appears to be stuck right now? Where are the leaders? For those who were born after World War I, the borders of the Middle East in present day were not always as they are now today. After World War I, an agreement with France and the United Kingdom, otherwise known as the Sykes- Picot Agreement, divided up all the land into what is known as the Middle East borders seen today. The nations surrounding Israel have consistently demonstrated hostility towards the peace of Israel. How does this affect Israel? How does this affect the United States? Is there a role in all of this for the church? Everything matters. Hear the significance of these happenings, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS, ISIL, the Levant, Sykes-Picot Agreement, World War I, Jordan, burned alive, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, United Nations, oppression, sex slavery, radical Islam. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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When we say yes to Jesus Christ and the Lordship over our lives, God gives us a new heart. But, it’s up to us to grow our own back bones. God does not do this for us. This only happens by stepping out in boldness and trusting on His words and His voice. The beauty of America is its heritage of Juedo-Christian values. The Constitution gives us the freedom to speak up and about that which we believe in. When comments about “Article 3 or Article 4…” are discussed in the news, this is what is being referred to: The Constitution. As the church, we can stand up and be bold for the Kingdom of God. We must be bold for the Kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of this world. Allow boldness and confidence to stand up for what is right and true to come over you, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: King Ferdinand, Veteran Affairs, Revolutionary War, heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Constitution, government, Governor Rick Scott, Governor Bobby Jindal, revival, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment. See more, related content and articles for this article.
All Eyes on Israel: Israeli Elections, Iran, and Unstoppable UN Voting Block formed against Israel
As the eyes of the nations are watching the unfolding events taking place in the Middle East. It is imperative for the eyes of the church to be focused upon Israel. Israel is a time clock. However goes Israel, so goes the church. In America, people would be concerned if termites were coming through the walls and through the floor boards. In Israel, there are jihadists coming over the borders, digging tunnels underneath them, and coming out of the sea. There are critical decisions that are now upon the shoulders of the people of Israel. Find out the details of these perilous ticks on the clock of time that the church is called to be a part of, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Gaza, radical Islam, jihad, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Christians United for Israel, Cindy Gross, and voting. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Islamic Shariah Tribunal set up in North Texas?
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