Parents Take the Field with the Students to Pray
Greg, Pat and John share the exciting news of a community that came to show their support of prayer in school and the community as they literally came together on the football field to pray. If parents are telling their children to stand for their faith, are we ourselves walking on to our respective fields boldly standing for Jesus, are we voices of faith in the workplace, to our neighbors? Be encouraged and see how powerful it is to see people coming together when they decide to no longer be silent, be bold voices for the Lord, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: faith, boldness, prayer, and school.
Greg, Pat and John continue the conversation about how the nation is currently being handled. If we don’t understand this, we can respond logically. Logically things don’t make sense. What is happening is going against God, it’s going against the Constitution, and what is right. What about our sin; our personal sin? Before we look at what is happening in the world, outside of the church, we have to look at what is happening inside the church. The book of Jude intricately details some characteristics of those that have secretly slipped in among you. We must remain watchful over the flock of God’s people. Not everyone who says they are “a Christian” follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not everyone who says they are “for you” is truly for you, but in fact, against you. How can we walk with others if we are not in agreement? Be empowered and encouraged as you learn these significant characteristics; understand who the church is and who the church is not, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: savage wolves, warning, Sodom & Gomorrah, authority, rebellion, personal gain, the rapture, and offense.