As we watch the economy of America take an impressive swing upwards, jobs reports are continually being shared and analyzed in hopes of getting a better understanding of what is happening. Sometimes these reports are clear-cut. But, what about the workforce that isn’t so easily identifiable? About the workforce of freelancers? As Fox News reports, this portion of the workforce is contributing more than $1.4 Trillion annually into the American economy.
While ‘freelancers’ may not show up everyday for a “9-5”, they have their own unique skillsets that they market to those who need their talents and abilities. As Andy Challenger, with Gray & Christmas states, “the workforce has become really flexible. More and more employees out there want to be working freelance. Right now, estimates are about 53 million Americans are working freelance right now. That’s 34% of the American workforce”. Challenger continues to say, “projections are that half of all Americans could be working freelance by the end of the decade.”
So, the question is, is there an office for these ‘freelancers’? While some can choose to work from home, others have the option of using the resources provided by private companies like wework.. “The third largest startup in the U.S. has an evaluation of $20 Billion. It rents office space on demand.” Companies such as wework provide not only office space, but also shared communities for people to be able to have an environment of creativity needed to carry out their projects.
Business is no longer about the four-year college degree; getting a job and having it for the next 45 years. With our changing and developing economy, what a college student learns in their first year may be entirely outdated by the end of their second year. We must shift our mindsets and understanding of how things need to be. Some may express that the negative perspective of freelancing, or “gigging”, is that it does not provide health care or benefits. It is important that we take the responsibility of what is needed.
CEO and Co-Founder of wework, Adam Neumann, shares about the pinnacle high of starting a business, as well as the sobering realities of practical needs that have gone unanswered. “The first day of building a business is a big day, because that is the day when the full dream comes into play.” Neumann continues, “But then the second day kicks in: where is my office? Where is my internet provider? How am I gonna pay for electricity? Where am I going to get sales from?” These are all legitimate questions that every entrepreneur faces. This is where We Work seeks to fill those gaps. Neumann explains. “At We Work, we really strive to help you as much as we can. Focus on doing what you love. Create your life’s work and let us take care of the rest.” Neumann sums up how they have positioned themselves to respond to today’s developing economy. “Wework is the office space of tomorrow.”
What is additionally intriguing about freelancers is that this form of working reportedly earns more than twice the annual salary in America. The beauty of this is its flexibility to adapt and change to whatever your changing business or idea may be. You aren’t tied to an office building or other contracts holding you to a specific region or location.
Are you in freelance? Are you looking for a shared community of creativity to carry out what God has called you to do? We want to hear from you. Share how creative environments help you to be more productive. See the full conversation on today’s changing workforce, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: workforce, unemployment, Fox News, health insurance, shared office spaces, community workforce, creativity, freelance, gigging, community company, multiple streams of income, and mindsets. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com
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