LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! It is so exciting to see all that God is doing upon the Earth and within America in this hour. Like many of his peers during the Presidential Campaign, Donald Trump made many promises on what he would do if he were elected President. Now that he is President, he is going above and beyond what he has promised. For example, contrary to what many advised him, President Trump insisted on moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This was an unprecedented decision. He recently spoke on the matter at the CPAC 2018 Conference.
By declaring to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, bold statements were made. As the President said, “we officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.” He continues to share why he now understands why so many went back on their word of promising to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. “I was hit by more countries, and more pressure, and more people calling, begging me, ‘don’t do it! Don’t do it! Don’t do it’. I said we have to do it. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the right thing to do. We have to do it; and I did it.”
This is not just about moving a building from one city to another city. This is about honoring God! The President might not have known the significance of what he has done, but a colossal blessing is about to be poured out upon America. What are your thoughts on the President’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy? We want to hear from you. It is so powerful to see how President Trump is being used by the Lord for the betterment of Israel, just as President Truman did. See the full story from President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: President Trump, The Trump Administration, John Kilpatrick Ministries, Pastor John Kilpatrick, prophecy, prophetic word, Holy Spirit, Jerusalem Israel, Israel, President Harry Truman, CPAC 2018, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from youtube.com/The White House
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