LISTEN NOW! National Day of Pray, 45,000 Events Nations Wide- One Voice for One Purpose May 4, 2017 is this year’s National Day of Prayer. It is this …
AbidingCivil Rights & Civil Christianity in AmericaFaith MountainGovernment MountainOriginal Intent of AmericaOriginal Intent of the ChurchOriginal Intent of The U.S. Constitution
“We have lost our voice. We have Laryngitis” says David Barton. Looking at the Johnson Amendment and how it Effects the Church
AbidingCivil Rights & Civil Christianity in AmericaCrisisFaithFaith MountainGovernment MountainHopeOriginal Intent of AmericaOriginal Intent of the ChurchOriginal Intent of The U.S. ConstitutionVFNtv ProgramsWATCH FULL PROGRAM