LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Dr. Ben Carson, now Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, spoke candidly on the program, The View, about the war over what is on the inside …
LISTEN NOW! Dr. Carson on The VIEW “There is a war on what’s inside of a woman.” Dr. Ben Carson, now Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, spoke candidly on …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! There is something powerful about having a vision in our lives. Many people are living their lives on accident versus living life on purpose. We must …
LISTEN NOW! Power of Vision Propels all Aspects of Life There is something powerful about having a vision in our lives. Many people are living their lives on accident versus …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! John shares how when he graduated; he was given a book by Dr. James Dobson that helped him in the transition from graduation to the rest …
LISTEN NOW! Life on the Edge: The Most Critical Decade of Your Life, James Dobson John shares how when he graduated; he was given a book by Dr. James …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Here is a new VFNKB Success Secret! Coach Bobby Knight shares with us keys to winning. “Don’t be satisfied with the fact that you have memorized …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! In this segment the VFNKB Success Secret is about great career advice directed towards millennial’s but is really for anyone and it gives the points on …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Many young people seem to go through life with no vision. But now, Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, H.U.D., is building vision …
LISTEN NOW! Ben Carson-Secretary of HUD Establishes Vision Centers to help Give the Poor Upward Mobility; Economically, Physically, Educationally, and Personally through Character and Leadership Development Many young people seem …
LISTEN NOW! Iranian Man Supernaturally Encounters Jesus An Iranian Muslim encountered Jesus after he was in a car accident. He shares the encounter that he had, as an out of …
LISTEN NOW! “In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity” Part 2 We continue the discussion about the Seven Mountains of Culture and how as Christians we are …