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Home » No Self Control, Like a City with Broken Walls

No Self Control, Like a City with Broken Walls

LISTEN NOW! In this moment of wisdom found in Proverbs 25:28 Greg shares about self-control an how the lack of it is described as a city with broken walls.   There is a big difference between walls that were never built and those that once were built and are not broken down.  There is something about the whole visual that just says brokenness, disorder, needing repair, danger, easy to be harmed.  So it is with someone who lacks self-control. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit of God and when we surrender our life to Jesus Christ, abide with Him, and become His disciple; He gives us a grace to live a life of self-control by His Spirit.

Courtesy of AleksandrN/shutterstock.com



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