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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 12/21/12

VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 12/21/12



LISTEN NOW! Restoring Language for God’s Glory 

Greg, John, and Pat discuss the tower of babel and how God said that the people would be able to accomplish what they set out to do.  God confused their language by giving them different languages resulting them in not being able to communicate with each other.  Then there was a time in Jesus ministry before he ascended to the father that he told his disciples to gather and to wait and when they did, on Pentecost they were filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit enabling them to communicate in different languages that were heard by people who spoke them.  What God caused to be confused at that time he restored at another time for His glory.

     Mayan Calendar, No Doomsday

Some believed that today December 21, 2012 would be the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, obviously it wasn’t but Greg, John, and Pat asks the question what if it was?  Everyone’s life will come to an end one day, their world will end but the real question is where will you be when your life on this earth ends?  They encourage us to get right with God to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior so that when it all ends for us we can have a peace and assurance as to where we will be.

      Showing the Love of God with a Shoe box?
Greg, John, and Pat share about Franklin Graham, great evangelist Billy Graham’s son’s ministry. Samaritans Purse every year encourages believers to fill a shoe box with items and Samaritan Purse will deliver them all around the world for Christmas to children who would not have a Christmas gift.  This year their ministry reached a milestone when they shipped the 100 millionth shoebox.   Greg encourages connecting with Samaritan Purse throughout the year as they are not just sending gifts but they are sharing the greatest gift with the world, Jesus.

     No Vision = No Harvest

In this wisdom moment found in Proverbs 20:4 “A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.”  Greg shares that a sluggard has no harvest because he had no vision for it.  However, the farmer has a vision for the harvest.  That vision causes him to work the ground and prepare it so that seeds can be sown.  This requires faith and patience.  Our country expanded by people who had a vision to go out west and blaze a trail where there was none and one of the results was that America became the bread basket of the world.  Ministry is very much the same.  We must be willing to plow the heart with love so that seeds can be sown so that a harvest will be reaped.


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