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Home » Fear the Lord and Shunning evil brings health to the body

Fear the Lord and Shunning evil brings health to the body


LISTEN NOW! In this moment of wisdom found in Proverbs 3:7-8 Greg shares how this  wisdom moment for today looks like the best health care program.  He then shares what we must do according to God’s word.  The first thing is not to be wise in our own eyes, which is pride often resulting in spiritual blindness.

We have to fear the Lord, which is a progressive revelation that though we may have much of the fear of The Lord in our life, there is still so much more to go. Our God enjoys and honors us maxing out in fearing The Lord. Fearing the Lord is to be aware of Him always, to be aware of His commands and seeking to follow them with all our heart, soul, mind and strength all the while being aware of the kindness and sternness of God.

However, this is done when we shun, persistently avoid, ignore or reject evil.  Although evil appears to be evil we must be persistent in avoiding it and growing in a healthy fear of the Lord.  As we continue to grow in the fear of the Lord and to shun evil we will have health to our bodies and nourishment to our bones.

Courtesy of Arthit Longwilai/shutterstock.com

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