Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour March 25, 2013

VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour March 25, 2013


11 Year Old Boy Hears God; powerful

Greg, Pat, and John discuss how Jonathan, Pat’s son herd the voice of God in two dreams.  In this segment you will hear in an interview with Jonathan sharing what God showed him these dreams.  God reveals to him the power of Gods’ word to bring life and faith into a person’s life and the power of God to heal those who are sick.  God continues to show him the power of the full armor of God and in particular the sword of the spirit and how God’s word will transform dark places into places of light and purity.
Do you have backbone or wishbone for God
Greg, John, and Pat present a question.  Do you have a backbone or a wishbone for the things of God?  Since the time of John the Baptist until now forceful men and women have laid hold of the gospel and have been used to advance it.  They continue to discuss how the advancement comes with effort and energy.  People who have done anything for God have invested everything including the physical strength and sweat.    They continue to speak about the spiritual and forceful advancement of General Booth and the Salvation Army.  They marched, took care of the people and faithfully advanced the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Greg challenges this generation to rise up and say. “Hear am I send me.”


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