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Home » News in Israel: Mobster Shot and Killed in Prime Minister’s Home, Rockets Fired from Gaza and Registering of Ukrainian Jews

News in Israel: Mobster Shot and Killed in Prime Minister’s Home, Rockets Fired from Gaza and Registering of Ukrainian Jews


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss recent things that have transpired in Israel with the Jews of Ukraine.   They discuss how yet once again rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza.  They also discuss how a mobster was killed in Israel’s Prime Benjamin Netanyahu’s home neither of these events are related to each other but point to the volatile nature of what could happen at any moment in Israel.  They further discuss how the cover of USA Today had an article that reported that the Jews in Ukraine were being made to register.  According to USA Today, “World leaders and Jewish groups condemned a leaflet handed out in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk in which Jews were told to “register” with the pro-Russian militants who have taken over a government office in an attempt to make Ukraine part of Russia, according to Ukrainian and Israeli media.”  In a leaflet that was circulated amongst Jews they were being ordered to provide information regarding their property, id’s, passports, family members and vehicles as well as pay a $50 registration fee or else have their citizenship revoked.   To say nothing at all is evil.  God has set the Jews apart from the very beginning they remind us that it doesn’t end well for the Jews and Christian as they are highly persecuted around the world.  They continue to discuss how there is some parallel between what is happening with the Jews in Ukraine and the registering of the Affordable Health Care Act in the United States.  It is a law Americans have to register.  It’s virtually the same thing and underscores our need to turn to God.  The only way America will stand is if we go back to the original intent and allow God to have His way. 




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Tags: anti-Semitism, Middle East, persecution, Holocaust, deception


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