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Home » Organizing; Don’t Be Fooled it is Still Happening

Organizing; Don’t Be Fooled it is Still Happening

 Shutterstock.com/Eric Crama

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how they are still “organizing” and caution us not to be fooled.  They discuss how there are those who still want to organize the world.  However, there is only ONE we are to be organized around and that is Jesus.  Many are presently organizing and some have been at it for a long time one such person the Bible tells us about is Saul.  Saul was organizing the church in a dark way; he didn’t like what was happening and felt that Christians were the intruders and felt the Pharisees had the right revelation.  So he with the approval of the synagogue began to organize Christians around the stoning of Steven.  He riled the people up.  This resulted in Steve being stoned to death and caused great chaos among the believers of the day.  Saul wanted to continue his organizing activities and as he headed to Damascus when he met the organizer of the day; Jesus. He was knocked off of his horse and a bright light shown all around him.  They encourage us to remember that although people may think that they are really doing good by their organizing efforts; it is important to leave remove for repentance and for them to allow Jesus to lead and organize them.  



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Tags: persecution, organizers



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