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Home » Antisemitism (racism towards Jews) is the root of Racism Everywhere; Stopping Antisemitism Gives Hope to Stop Racism.?

Antisemitism (racism towards Jews) is the root of Racism Everywhere; Stopping Antisemitism Gives Hope to Stop Racism.?

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LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, and Pat remind us to keep our eyes on Israel. Amidst the right words being said to Israel, what are the actions being done to Israel and around Israel? Antisemitism (racism towards Jews) is the root of Racism Everywhere; Stopping Antisemitism Gives Hope to Stop Racism, Chuck Pierce of Zion Ministries says.  What is happening in Israel can be traced to the roots of a people still walking this out today. Find out how to be a part of the change and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, John Kerry, love, the Duggars, and Christopher Columbus.


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