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Home » Getting Back to Power in the Church: The Promise of the Holy Spirit

Getting Back to Power in the Church: The Promise of the Holy Spirit


Courtesy of Volodymyr/BalehaShutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of getting back to power in the church through the promise of the Holy Spirit. They continue to discuss the amazing life and ministry of Jesus and some of the things Jesus was able to accomplish in such a short amount of time yet when it was time for Jesus to leave and be with the Father he gave the disciples specific instructions.    Jesus was going back to the Father and they would be without Him and the power that flowed through His life and ministry.  Yet He did not leave them without a power source.  The same power that flowed through Jesus’s life and ministry was available to them when the Holy Spirit would come upon them 50 days after Jesus’ ascension at Pentecost. 

Much of the church is functioning today without power yet the power of God is freely available to them.  The Azusa street revival in 1906 was a move of God that came with power sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit.  They did not have the technology that we have today like text message, cell phones, and social media but they did have the Holy Spirit and that’s all they needed as this move of God spread all around the world.  They encourage us to do whatever we have to do to come together in Christ center unity.  They further encourage us to go back and look at what took place during the transition in Jesus ministry; when he left earth and was reunited with the Father.  The church must return to and be a channel of the love and power of God.


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Tags: baptism, obedience, unity, Penteocst


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