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Home » WATCH! VFNtv June 23, 2014

WATCH! VFNtv June 23, 2014



NBA Cleveland Cavaliers Hire First Jewish NBA Coach in America, Coach David Blatt
   Greg, John and Pat share how Israel is not only affecting activities on the diplomatic arena; with the NBA recent hiring of Jewish Coach David Blatt, it is now affecting the basketball court as well. God is truly blessing Israel. Find out what is taking place and so much more. Also shared in this segment: NBA,  Lebron James, Israel, and God. 

Christian Mother Released from Jail TODAY, she was told she’d be hung to death because of her faith in Jesus Christ

   Greg, John, and Pat share the breaking news of Christian mother, Miriam Ibrahim is now released! This is such a powerful moment. Miriam has been imprisoned for her stand for Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior since February 2014. On the first day of standing in agreement for a time of prayer and fasting for the persecuted church, God responds with a miracle and Miriam is released. This is such an encouraging reminder that the church has a role to play. It’s time to respond, and pray! Also shared in this segment: persecuted church,  prayer, faith, and CBN.

American Idol Finalist -Jason Castro Leaves Fortune and Fame for God
   Greg, Pat, and John share about the exciting and encouraging journey of Christian song artist Jason Castro. In this conversation they share, from Jason’s perspective of what he learned on the way to stardom. When Jason’s plans didn’t include God, it became a mess. Amidst all the fame and stardom, what he desired more than anything was to be closer to God. Also find out the details on his first Christian Album release “Only a Mountain.” Be encouraged as you watch what God did in Jason’s life and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN,  American Idol, Dallas Texas, and iTunes.


United Nations: Unbeatable Voting Block against Israel and the American Way
   Greg, Pat, and John talk about the decisions that are being made in the United Nations. With all the nations of the world being represented in one place, one would think that would be the one place to have a topic discussed. Sadly enough, the two groups that won’t be heard fairly is Israel and Christians. In 2007, Rick Joyner wrote The Harvest,in the book he shares what is being seen taking place in the United Nations today such as a merger between communism and radical Islam with a new economic structure.  Joyner was spot on. Find out what is taking place, how to respond and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, United Nations, Communism, Islam, Israel, and the United States.




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