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Home » Israel Protective Edge: This is not a war of choice but of necessity

Israel Protective Edge: This is not a war of choice but of necessity

Courtesy of  ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve continue a conversation of the Israel-Gaza conflict as it reaches its 14th day. There are many media outlets that are reporting the events happening on the borders of Israel but the majority of these reports are strictly from the Gaza perspective. When the Israeli Defense Forces are using all of their abilities to minimize civilian casualties, according to IDF they are encouraging Palestinian civilians to become human shields for terror targets. Israel continues to receive rocket fire daily from the Gaza strip, in some areas as much as 25 rockets per day. CBN brings a first person view as George Thomas tours an Ashkelon hospital, located a mere 12 kilometers from the Gaza border.

As Israel is defending itself on its Southern border, Jews across the world are feeling the effects as

violent protests against synagogues are occurring in London and Paris. It is vital for the church to stand up and to stand with Israel. Keep your perspective upon Israel and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israeli Defense Forces, Hamas, terrorism, CBN, CBN, Ashkelon Hospital, and prayer

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Tour of Barzlial Hospital in Askelon with CBN


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image source: idfblog.org

image source: idfblog.org

image source: idfblog.org

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