LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John share an exciting and encouraging prophetic word given by Bill Yount, and Blowing the Shofar Ministries. God is going to deal with the whole concept of news. By simply not just reporting on the repetitious happenings throughout the world, God is raising up those who will declare peace, His perspective upon what is happening, and be witnesses to the world of the greatness of who He is.
News anchors will be shaken as they report perilous upcoming world events – some will be shaken overboard!
I heard the Father say, “I will begin to shake the news media through the perilous events coming upon the earth!” As news anchors are sent to certain locations where devastations and dangerous conditions emerge, there will be those news stations whose anchors will not be able to withstand the stress and pressure of reporting horrendous news day after day.
The word anchor means something that provides stability or security, like an anchor of a ship in the midst of a raging storm. The calmness and stability we have seen, up until now, in our news anchors is about to be highly tested. I sense that what is about to be reported in the very near future will make the bad news of yesterday seem as nothing compared to what is about to follow.
I saw several known anchormen and anchorwomen shaken to the core of their being as they became weary and unable to cope with the stress of their jobs day after day.
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I heard the Spirit say, “Anchors away!” The Lord then took me to the book of Acts in chapter 27, verses 22-24, to a life-threatening storm where an “anchorman” named Apostle Paul had received a late “breaking news” report from the angel of God saying (paraphrased), “Fear not, I have good news in the midst of the bad news. I am with you in the midst of the raging storm! Because of you, I will spare the lives of others on your ship!”
And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure. Isaiah 33:6
These anchormen and anchorwomen will come forth from deep waters of the unknown. They will not only report the perilous news but will have the treasures and the riches of Christ inside of them, so that the anointing of God will come right through the radio and television screens as people become convicted by their radiant countenance and peace in the midst of chaos. These anointed news anchors will become spectacles to the world as they are given favor to report of the hope within them.
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The favor of the Lord will increase upon these handpicked vessels because of their accuracy in reporting the news before the news actually spreads throughout broadcasting stations, bringing the fear of the Lord and salvation into many lives.
Many will kneel before their televisions receiving Jesus Christ into their lives, with healings and miracles following. Some news anchors will be tagged with Bible names, such as anchorman Daniel or Elijah and anchorwoman Deborah, who speak with such authority that they will predict weather patterns, and at times, change them.
We must pray for those who are now connected in the news media. A great shaking is coming upon them. Let’s pray they will be shaken into the Kingdom through what is happening on the earth. And pray for the promotion of those whom God is bringing in to report His perspective upon these world events.
When it isn’t making any sense down here…it is up there!
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries
Email: [email protected]
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