Israel Has Emerged into a Flourishing and Abundantly Blessed Land
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how Israel has emerged into a flourishing and abundantly blessed land. They continue to discuss an award winning multi- part video presentation, produced by CBN, that chronicles how Israelis’ by the hand of God and hard work have transformed Israel’s once arid dry landscape to an agricultural haven where they have implemented techniques, inventions and technologies to help develop the land for vegetation. Their hard work has not only helped the farmers in Israel but they have shared their knowledge and resources with their regional neighbors and the rest of the world including the United States. It did not go without being mentioned that during the time that Israel was a waste land nobody wanted it but now we are seeing Palestinians fight for what they did not want to begin with. It is great to see how the Jewish people through hard work, ingenuity and the blessing of God have made Israel the great nation that it has become today.
Francis and Lisa Chan write a Book on Marriage with a Kingdom First Perspective: You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity
They continued to discuss how God hates hands that shed innocent blood…Proverbs 6:17. They further discussed how because of recent laws passed in the state of Wisconsin finding doctors to perform abortions is proving to be quite difficult. This is a horrific reality that has spanned over forty years but now is soon coming to an end as other states across the country have adopted laws that have either restricted abortions or have underscored the rights of babies to be born alive and for their life to be protected in the event a baby survived a botched abortion. The Hippocratic Oath says “I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone” this includes babies as well. They continue to encourage us to pray Dear God, End Abortion and Send Revival.