Greg, John, and Pat share about the encouraging new release of the movie “America”. What would the world be like if America never existed? There are so many narratives that result in negative and twisted perspectives of America’s role, spoken over the founding fathers to the present. Is America a thief? Did America steal its land, Mexico, labor and resources and more is clarified in this movie and more. Enjoy this trailer and see the movie as it is released today. Also shared in this segment: Original Intent, Third Great Awakening, founding fathers, and the Constitution.
Don’t throw the Baby out with the Bath water: Tough Times and Move of God Come Together Historically
Greg, Pat, and John encourage us as they take us through many instances in the past when there was a mighty move of God; there was also a great push of evil. You’ve heard it said not to throw the baby out with the bath water. It is vitally important not to throw out the move of God in hard times. History shows us that they always come together. They remind us of what CBN’s Pat Robertson delivered at the beginning of the year: “spiritually speaking, this will be the greatest year in the history of the church.”This will be the best of times and the worst of times. Don’t put your hope in this world. Put your hope in God and you will never be disappointed. Be encouraged as they share how God is raising up His church to respond in these dark hours and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Pat Robertson, Rodney Howard Browne, Celebrate America, honor, immigration, General Boykin, Third Great Awakening,
NEW MOVIE: “AMERICA” Confronts the Negative Narratives Spoken Over America with the True History; what if George Washington died in battle?
