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Home » Coming to Store Near You a Digital Assistant on your Smart Phone that Knows the Answer Before You ask the Question: Really ?

Coming to Store Near You a Digital Assistant on your Smart Phone that Knows the Answer Before You ask the Question: Really ?

Courtesy of Georgejmclittle/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve share the attention raising news of soon to be released technology, Microsoft’s Cortana. In direct competition to Apple’s Siri, Cortana aims to fill the place of a human personal assistant, just more personable. In order to best develop this technology, Microsoft interviewed actual personal assistants to get a better understanding of what exactly they do. What they found out will actually surprise you. When is increasing technology too much technology? When is it enough? As the church, we must not submit to technology; technology must submit to us. It is moments like this, that reinforces nothing beats a physical Bible, a journal, and a pen. Find out how technology is significantly advancing and how hearing and knowing the voice of the Lord is still paramount. Also shared in this segment: technology, Siri, Cortana, and abiding.



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