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Home » Former Israeli Ambassador Explains why Israel Must be Allowed to Deal with Hamas Decisively

Former Israeli Ambassador Explains why Israel Must be Allowed to Deal with Hamas Decisively


Courtesy of ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve share an encouraging and insightful conversation about the continual events happening on Israel’s Southern border with Gaza. When interviewed by CBN, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, shared concern for an emphasis on a multitude of topics: the de-militarization of Gaza, removal of chemical weapons from Syria’s army, as well as the importance of Israel to bring a significant defeat to Hamas which would stop other organizations from bringing attacks.

In addition, Ambassador Oren shares some insightful truth that Hamas doesn’t necessarily have a military strategy as they do a media strategy. Continually, images are being shown of Israelis fighting, while on the other side, it is continually images of the Palestinians being killed. For those not personally present in the conflict, viewers are at the mercy of what media is presenting. Currently, fighting is still occurring in other parts of Iraq, Baghdad in particular. While the deaths in Baghdad are not headline news, if Israel were to cause deaths, it would make front page news. It is important to remember that God values life regardless of what nationality.

The nation is a land made up of beautifully resilient people, that amidst the continual incoming rocket fire, Israelis remain to carry on the freedoms of life. As the church we must stand with Israel. We must be the media of truth by sharing what is true; share both sides of the story that paints the whole picture. Allow your faith to be lifted, and your witness for Israel to shine brighter as you hear and share what is continually happening in Israel; and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, media, terrorism, warfare, prayer, and CBN.  



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