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It’s Not Personal: It’s Spiritual

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LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve talk about the complexity of Jesus’ life and paradigms that He walked in. The Bible highlights the many miracles that Jesus did while He walked on Earth: turning water to wine, He healed the blind, He healed the woman with the issue of blood, He walked on water, and many others. Even amidst such powerful miracles, it was the religious leaders of the day who wanted to kill Jesus. Jesus walked in such a cloak of humility, regardless of the repeated insults that were hurled at Him, He never got offended. Jesus chose to leave the splendors of Heaven to take on our limited frame as humans, to empathize with all of our weaknesses, in order to save us.


An analogy that paints a picture of this paradigm is to imagine a human having compassion on an ant pile. The love of this particular human compels him to leave the understanding and abilities of the human frame to take on the life of an ant. It is important to remember, as an ant, he’ll never again walk in the fullness of a human being. All this was done with the hopes that the ants will receive this one particular ant and believe he came to save them. This analogy pales in comparison to the reality of what Jesus has done for us, but it highlights the greatness and humility of who Jesus is. Be encouraged as your perspective of Jesus changes, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: humility, miracles, offense, Heaven, The Trinity, and pride.                       WATCH FULL PROGRAM!


Jesus’s Brothers, Water to Wine, Jesus Heals Blind Man, Jesus Heals Sick Woman, Jesus Walks on Water
John 7:1-5, John 2:1-11,John 9:1-11, Matthew 9:18-26, Matthew 14:22-36


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