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Home » P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu: if your are looking for war crimes don’t look here: Look at Hamas, ISIS, and Syria

P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu: if your are looking for war crimes don’t look here: Look at Hamas, ISIS, and Syria

Courtesy of mikhail/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! WATCH! John, Pat and Steve continue the conversation about the events in the Israel-Gaza Conflict. Hamas has continued to shower Israel with rocket fire. Tunnels are being dug by Hamas underneath the surface of Israel with the intention to kidnap Israelis. Israeli Defense Forces have found cars, motorcycles and zip ties in these tunnels. This is an intricate system being carried out against Israel to cause fear and anxiety against the Israeli people. In light of all this, the United Nations has decided to have their own inquiry into the Israel-Gaza Conflict. There has been an overwhelming strategy against Israel on every front, every topic, and every action. Regardless of what happens, Israel is viewed upon as the bad guy. To make matters worse, the very one that the United Nations has chosen to head up this inquiry is Canadian international lawyer William Schabas. Instead of visiting Israel to look for war crimes, Prime Minister of Israel responded by saying, “They should visit Damascus, Baghdad, and Tripoli. They should go see ISIS, the Syrian army and Hamas. There they will find war crimes. Not here.”

This is a strategy against Israel. The church needs to be informed. Everything that seems to be swept under the rug is not out of the eyes of God. You cannot turn against Israel. Doing so doesn’t end well. Find out the details of what is happening in this critical hour, what you can do to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, PM Netanyahu, war crimes, Hamas, human shields, tunnels, the church, and prayer.



Netanyahu: Looking for War Crimes? Try Hamas, ISIS

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