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Home » WATCH! VFNtv August 5, 2014

WATCH! VFNtv August 5, 2014



The Need for Reporting the WHOLE Story in Israel and Gaza Conflict 


 Greg, Pat and John share a recent update from Avi Mizrachi and Dugit Ministries. As Avi is located in Tel Aviv, Israel, he has experienced first-hand, living out the realities of incoming rocket fire and the protection of bomb shelters. In a recent letter, Avi asks for prayers for God to protect lives on both sides of the border. This is the perspective about our realities that we need: how to love our enemies rightfully, with wisdom.


When someone is watching a particular network, regardless if its ABC, NBC, or Disney, it’s important to remember that it’s a corporation; run not by the individuals seen, but by the neighbors to your left and right who own stock in that particular corporation. The news anchors that are seen on daily television, their job is simply this: to read what is on the teleprompter. If we focus all our attention on the newscaster, we missed it.


In a recent CBN article, a reality is highlighted of the one sided media coverage of the Israeli Gaza conflict. Consistently, audiences view 2 images: Israeli fighters, and Palestinian casualties. Reporters in Gaza have reported they have indeed seen Hamas fighter but if a camera is pointed towards Hamas militants, they would be shot and killed. No one is excusing the Palestinian civilians. It is a travesty. Hamas must be able to be questioned directly about their activities, and what buildings they are firing from.


With the repeated disasters happening around the world, over and over, one can only take so much. We need a light perspective, a hopeful perspective of what is occurring across the globe. This is the purpose that VFNtv and the Daily Radio Program seek to be and to provide. God is speaking to the nations and calling creation back to Him. God has made known and revealed that it’s going to be a physical battle. If we turn our faces to God, and seek His wisdom to help us repent and walk righteously, God can stop all that we’re seeing. Be encouraged, that amidst the darkness across the globe, God is raising a standard, a light, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, Avi Mizrachi, Tel Aviv, Israel, media networks, hope, repentance, and prayer.


Francis Chan Encounters Jehovah Witnesses and Witnesses for Jehovah


 In this refreshing conversation, Greg, Pat, and John share about a recent encounter detailed by Francis Chan and his experience with Jehovah Witnesses. If we know Jesus Christ personally and have an abiding relationship with Him, when others come to us wanting to share something with us, we need to embrace the opportunity to share with them Who we know. An experience will always outweigh someone’s argument. We must not surrender the teachings of Jesus Christ to someone else and put all of our trust in one human being to teach us. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to remind us of everything that Jesus said. Be encouraged as you hear of Francis’s encounter, the importance of abiding, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: abiding, witnessing, prayer, Jehovah Witnesses, IHOPKC, and testimonies.


New Book; Francis Chan; Erasing Hell

Greg, Pat and John share about Francis Chan’s book, Erasing Hell, and a significant question that Francis received while speaking with an audience. Right now in America, according to Michele Bachmann, we are erasing every existence of radical Islam from our records. Simply erasing the acknowledgement of the enemy doesn’t erase the reality of the enemy. Right now, there is a narrative in the church that is doing exactly that, seeking to erase the existence and reality of hell. It is important to search out the red letters; what did Jesus say? At the end of this life there is going to be a fruit check, a fruit inspection. Will there be fruit in our lives in accordance with repentance? Without an abiding relationship with Jesus, this is impossible. As a flower produces pollen, and a bee produces honey, a Christian who abides produces fruit. Bring clarity to this important topic of hell, eternity, fruit, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Francis Chan, repentance, hell, abiding, fruit, and truth.




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