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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour August 13, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour August 13, 2014




Every 15 Seconds a Muslim in Indonesia Gives their Heart to Jesus, says Larry Kreider


 Greg, Pat and John share about some exciting news from Larry Kreider, with Dove Christian International, regarding Indonesia and what the Lord is doing. Often times we can become focused on the increasing darkness in the land. It’s encouraging to remember when the enemy launches all of their ammunition against you; all they have is their guns. When the guns are being thrown against you, don’t be discouraged. Know the light is coming. Enjoy this exciting clip as you’re encouraged, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Larry Kreider, salvation, the Holy Spirit, and Indonesia.


Kid Reporter: Apparently! Humor

Greg, Pat, and John share a humorous moment about a young man who finds himself on live TV for the first time sharing about his experience of a Fair ride in his local town. Enjoy a deep laugh as you watch; apparently. Also shared in this segment: fair rides, humor, and interviewer.

Simple Lesson on Middle East Geography and the Newly Elected President of Turkey who reportedly was elected because of his hatred for the Jews: Pay Attention There is a Strategy


Greg, Pat, and John revisit a prophetic word that was given regarding the happenings in the Middle East. With all the current events that are unfolding before our eyes, things are looking much closer than one might believe. In Ezekiel 38 and 39, the Bible shares the events of nations rising up against the nation of Israel. God shows Himself mighty defending the nation of Israel as it results in Israel needing 7 months to bury the bodies and 7 years to burn the weapons of their adversaries and enemies.


By tracing a series of events that have taken place in the Middle East, within the leadership of nations, presently, and in years past, a clear picture of these events begins to take form. During a past Democratic National Convention, it was the Russian Navy that was shown, not the American Navy. Arab nations were standing in agreement together against the actions of Syria. Red lines were drawn. Secretary of State John Kerry has been in continual negotiations and talks with Iran and the activity of Iran’s nuclear development. According to Pat Robertson, CBN, by the end of 2014, Iran will have nuclear capability. ISIS is continuing to bring devastation to Christians in Northern Iraq and carrying out terrorist acts throughout the country. Continuing to trace the events, dots can be connected with Russia, Turkey and the armament of weapons to Gaza. Vice President Elect of Turkey Erdogan has recently been voted into leadership by his open voice of hatred towards Israel.



By looking at all of these events, it appears that the Muslim nations in the Middle East are being organized. Reportedly, Russia is stepping up to offer support to help Israel with their conflict against Gaza. Don’t buy into peace. We have to follow the progression and be mindful of the outcomes. Nations cannot organize against Israel. Doing so will only end up with 7 months and 7 years as the Bible details. The God who watches over Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers and neither should the church. Find out in this critical hour, the detailed trace of events that have brought us to today, what the church can do to stand in allegiance with Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Russia, DNC, Secretary of State John Kerry, Vladimir Putin, President Obama, Mecca, Gaza, flotillas, red lines, prophesy, and prayer.



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