Greg, Pat, and John share a humorous moment about a young man who finds himself on live TV for the first time sharing about his experience of a Fair ride in his local town. Enjoy a deep laugh as you watch; apparently. Also shared in this segment: fair rides, humor, and interviewer.
By looking at all of these events, it appears that the Muslim nations in the Middle East are being organized. Reportedly, Russia is stepping up to offer support to help Israel with their conflict against Gaza. Don’t buy into peace. We have to follow the progression and be mindful of the outcomes. Nations cannot organize against Israel. Doing so will only end up with 7 months and 7 years as the Bible details. The God who watches over Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers and neither should the church. Find out in this critical hour, the detailed trace of events that have brought us to today, what the church can do to stand in allegiance with Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Russia, DNC, Secretary of State John Kerry, Vladimir Putin, President Obama, Mecca, Gaza, flotillas, red lines, prophesy, and prayer.