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Home » All Eyes on Israel. Are We Getting Closer to Armageddon?

All Eyes on Israel. Are We Getting Closer to Armageddon?

Courtesy of George Allen Pento/Shutterstoc.com

LISTEN NOW! WATCH!John, Pat, and Steve share about a recent interview that CBN had with Asher Intrater, director of Revive Israel Ministries and pastor of Ahavat Yeshua Congregation in Jerusalem. Considering the multitude of events that are taking place on a daily basis concerning the nations of the world and Israel, many are beginning to see and be aware that we are seeing the fulfillment of much prophesy. Currently, the focus of the Islamic Jihad (war) is being focused all upon the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. In this discussion, Intrater shares the spiritual links and relationships between the Church and the nation of Israel, why it is so important for the Church to stand with Israel, and what he believes there are prerequisites for the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. These truly are exciting days. Keep your eyes fixated on Israel and the Jewish people. We must continue to stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Find out the details of each of these important topics, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: jihad, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Jerusalem, Israel, Revelation, revival, and prayer.  WATCH FULL PROGRAM!



Is the World Close to Armageddon?

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