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Home » Netanyahu speech at United Nations General Assembly amidst Accusations of Genocide

Netanyahu speech at United Nations General Assembly amidst Accusations of Genocide

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LISTEN NOW!  Steve, John and Pat share about the upcoming event of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly. In light of this, Israel is being accused by Mahmod Abbas, of genocide in its actions during Operation Protective Edge. During each one of the conflicts that Israel was involved in, it was in defense of itself, which is the opposite of the very definition of Genocide. Truth is the only way to fight the lies that daily come against the existence of Israel. As the church, we must continue to be truth bearers and shine our lights amidst the lies and darkness being spread. Keep Israel in the forefront of your prayers. Find out the details of these events, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: United Nations, Mahmoud Abbas, Operation Protective Edge, Israel, Mayor Bloomberg, and prayer.

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