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Home » The Fruit of Repentance

The Fruit of Repentance

Courtesy of Aleksandar Mijatovic/shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  Steve, John and Pat talk about the importance of being critical of what so often we can gloss right over, repentance. When God sent John the Baptist ahead of Jesus, his message was simple and it was clear; “bear fruit in keeping with repentance.”-Luke 3:8 Often times, one can repent for their actions. But, when repentance comes from “Godly Sorrow”, the fact that we hurt God’s heart, and not simply the sorrow of being caught, there will be a change of action, a change of thought and patterns. Jesus calls us to bear fruit, “showing ourselves to be his disciples.”– John 15:8.  Repentance is not something we can breeze over. It is how we are supposed to live our lives. Find out more of the importance of repentance in our lives, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: axes at the roots, good fruit, bad fruit, Antioch, Christ-like, and Christ followers.


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Luke 3:1-6, Matthew 7:16-20, John 15:8

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