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Home » WATCH! VFNtv November 18, 2014

WATCH! VFNtv November 18, 2014



Prepare Yourself for the Coming Move of God

    The encouraging faith stirring stories and events of what God did through the Azusa Street Revival and the Brownsville Revival can still be heard throughout the nations to this day. These realities are only a pre-cursor to what God is about to do and can serve as a grid of how to believe God for greater things. Taking this into consideration, as the church, we must prepare ourselves for this coming glory. God has given many different dreams and visions of the coming move of His Presence that is about to be poured out in the Gulf Coast, America and the Nations. Allow your hunger and passion for the Lord’s Presence in your life as you hear about what He has done, what He is about to do, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Nigeria, prophecy, Lighthouse Prophecy, end time harvest, Trail Life USA, American Heritage Girls, swimming pools, tsunami, surf boards, dreams, Hurricane Katrina, Don Piper, and the Kingdom. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.

Amazon Shares What You Highlighted In Your E-book including your Bible?

    Many people would be familiar with the growing technology of E-books, whether on a tablet, a kindle, or all different sorts of technology. Reading books electronically has its own advantages as some come with their own “highlight tool”. Reportedly, CBN shares how Amazon has been gathering this highlighted data and has recently shared what the most highlighted scripture is in the Bible. It is encouraging that people are reading the Bible, yet also concerning at the same time. Is there a way to spend time with God without Amazon knowing what you’re reading? Be encouraged and informed as you hear what this could mean, what to do, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: caves, abiding, Amazon, Kindle, banks, highlights, and date. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment



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