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Home » WATCH! VFNtv December 3, 2014

WATCH! VFNtv December 3, 2014




After Receiving Over 200,000 Signatures, White House Response is NO: to declaring Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization


Whitehouse.gov has created “We The People” so that the people of America can submit petitions to the White House about issues that they desire to be heard. In regards to specific petitions, the American people have presented the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood to be labeled as a terrorist organization. With the requirement of 100,000 signatures by any one specific petition in order to be heard, this petition has more than doubled the requirement with 213,146 signatures. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann stated on her website:
In October 2003, the former counter-terrorism “czar” for both President Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Richard Clarke, testified before the US Senate that virtually every Islamic terrorist organization in the world had in common membership and inspiration from the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. Not only has virtually every leader of Al-Qaeda passed through the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood, but several of the 9/11 hijackers, including ringleader Mohamed Atta, were known to have been radicalized through the Brotherhood.”   We didn’t just get here. There have been a sequence of events that have brought us to where we are. As you look through these sequence of events, and the response of the White House to this particular petition, it makes you go “hmmmm”. Find out how the White House responded, how the Church can respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Constitution, Cairo speech, Muslim Brotherhood, terrorism, Mubarak, Arab Spring, Egyptian uprising, Coptic Christians, persecution, Michelle Bachmann, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and prayer. John, Pat, and Steve shared in this segment.



Obama Administration Tells Soldiers Not to pass out Bibles?  Watch! United States Coast Guard Rear Admiral’s Response


    According to buzzpro.com, the Obama Administration is ordering soldiers not to hand out Bibles. Instead of sharing their faith with others in need, they are being directed to send others directly to the Chaplains. United States Coast Guard Rear Admiral William Lee shares how decisions  by the government is affecting those in the military and had his own remarks on how to respond to those in need of guidance and support. “Right now, as we speak, leaders like myself, are feeling the constraints or rules and regulations and guidance issued down by lawyers and is, that puts us in a tighter and tighter box regarding our Constitutional right to express our religious faith.” It is critical for the Church to remain in prayerful support of our men and women and those in leadership over our military. Hear the details of those who are not Chaplains and how they can affect those around them for the Kingdom of God, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Constitution, 1st amendment, 7 spheres of culture, leadership, and prayer. John, Pat and Steve shared in this segment.



It Matters how We Represent Christ in the World today?  Ask Iron Mike Tyson Former Boxing Heavy Weight Champion

When the President of the United States appoints an Ambassador of the United States to a specific country, that Ambassador does not represent that country, but instead, the United States. As sons and daughters in Christ, we are representing the Kingdom of God during our temporary stay on Earth. During an interview, Mike Tyson shares his own encounter on how a Christian affected his life. How we live our lives impacts those around us more than we may think. Francis of Assisi stated, “Preach the gospel always and when necessary use words”. Don’t lessen the reality of the power of the light of Jesus Christ that is within you. Find out the significance of how God designed you to be His Ambassador, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: character, lifestyle, choices, integrity, Mike Tyson, and evangelism. John, Pat and Steve shared in this segment.


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