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Home » WATCH! VFNtv December 2, 2014

WATCH! VFNtv December 2, 2014




Imprinting India 1.2 Billion people; They can’t buy or sell without “the mark”?

Business is changing throughout the globe. In recent years, it has been changing more than ever before. In the book, The World Is Flat, author Thomas Friedman brings insight into how technology is impacting not only business, but the world. One of the recent advancements in technology is being seen and carried out in India. India currently has a population comprised of over 1.2 billion people. Citizens within India are expressing concern that there are people coming over the border into India, who are not citizens, and are using India’s resources. India has created a Unique Identification Authority in order to carry out the task of identifying its entire 1.2 billion population. Those who have been tasked with this responsibility describe it as a “massive inclusion exercise”. One man expresses, from his own experiences, ‘you cannot get a taxi or turn your gas on without it… As the church, what does this mean to us? What implications does this have on what America is currently experiencing on their borders? Find how each of these truths matter so significantly, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ID India, Infosys, mark of the beast, credit card, end times, technology, India, retinas, exponential growth, and wisdom. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.


Wycliffe Translators Report 5.8 Billion People Now have Access to the Bible in their Own Language

    In Matthew 24:14, Jesus shared, ‘this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.’ This is truly coming to pass as Wycliffe Bible Translators celebrate another milestone. Currently, 5.8 billion people are getting the bible in their own native language. Only one year ago, that number was 4.9 billion. In only one year, more than a billion received the Word of God in their native tongue. With the increasing abilities of technology, this nation reaching the world is getting faster and faster. Amidst the hardships being continually heard and seen in the world, be encouraged as you hear the upcoming goals that Wycliffe has set, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Wycliffe Bible Translators, nations, The Kingdom, evangelism, You Version Bible App, and hope. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.

Don’t Be Discouraged by the Darkness: Light is upon the Coming Move of God on the Gulf Coast

    When we face hardships and difficulties in our lives, focusing only on the hardships will bring about the wrong outcome: fear. We can encourage ourselves that God led the Israelites out of Egypt, amidst plagues and famine. It doesn’t end there; the Israelites found themselves between the shores of the Red Sea and Pharoah’s army. God was in control. He led the Israelites to a situation where there was no answer, but to look up, to Him. In this present moment, God has a plan and His plan is good. Be encouraged as you hear the visions of what God has shown of what He is about to do, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israelites, Pharoah, Egypt, famines, plagues, faith, Apostle Isiaiah Kadiri, Church of His Presence, John Kilpatrick, dreams, visions, and hope.



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